ComponentOptions Properties

The ComponentOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssemblyLoosePartPositionPrefix
The assembly loose position prefix.
Public propertyAssemblyLoosePartStartNumber
The assembly loose part number.
Public propertyBoltEdgeDistanceFactor
The factor of bolt edge distance.
Public propertyBoltEdgeDistanceReference
The bolt edge distance reference.
Public propertyBoltSize
The bolt size.
Public propertyBoltStandard
The bolt standard.
Public propertyFoldedPlateProfileName
The folded plate profile name.
Public propertyLoosePartPositionPrefix
The loose part position prefix.
Public propertyLoosePartStartNumber
The loose part start number.
Public propertyPartMaterial
The part material.
Public propertyPartWeldedToPrimaryPositionPrefix
The part welded to primary position prefix.
Public propertyPartWeldedToPrimaryStartNumber
The part welded to primary start number.
Public propertyPartWeldedToSecondaryPositionPrefix
The part welded to secondary position prefix.
Public propertyPartWeldedToSecondaryStartNumber
The part welded to secondary start number.
Public propertyPlateProfileName
The plate profile name.
See Also
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