ReferenceModel Properties

The ReferenceModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveFilePath
Gets the path to the local copy of the current revision of the reference model.
Public propertyBasePointGuid
The GUID of the used base point. Empty if base point is not used.
Public propertyFilename
The path to the original location of the reference file.
Public propertyIdentifier
The identifier of the object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyIsUpToDate
Gets if the object does not have a modification which is not shared.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyModelGUID Obsolete.
The ModelGUID of the reference model in the Project Center.
Public propertyModificationTime
Gets latest time of the object was modified or created.
(Inherited from ModelObject.)
Public propertyPosition
The position of the reference model.
Public propertyProjectGUID Obsolete.
The ProjectGUID of the reference model in the Project Center.
Public propertyRotation Obsolete.
Gets or sets value of rotation around Z axis (degrees).
Public propertyRotation3D
Gets or sets value of 3d rotation.
Public propertyScale
The scale of the reference model.
Public propertyTitle
The reference model name(title).
Public propertyUseWorkplane
Sets whether workplane is used.
Public propertyVersionGUID Obsolete.
The VersionGUID of the reference model in the Project Center.
Public propertyVisibility
The visibility of the reference model in the model view.
See Also
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