ISteelColumnData Properties

The ISteelColumnData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActive Gets a value indicating whether the member is active
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyAlignment Gets the ISpanAlignment
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyAllowAutomaticJoinAtEnd Gets a value indicating whether the member automatically joins at end
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyAllowAutomaticJoinAtStart Gets a value indicating whether the member automatically joins at start
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyAutoDesign Gets a value indicating whether sections from the design section order will be considered during the design process
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyAutoDesignOption Gets the AutoDesignOption
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyConstruction Gets the MemberConstruction
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyElementType Gets the ElementType
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyFabrication Gets the MemberFabrication
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyGravityOnly Gets a value indicating whether the beam is designed for gravity combinations only
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyIsSimple Gets a value indicating whether this column is a simple one
Public propertyLinkReinforcementGrade Gets the links reinforcement grade
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyLinkReinforcementRibType Gets the links rib type
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyMainReinforcementGrade Gets the longitudinal bars reinforcement grade
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyMainReinforcementRibType Gets the longitudinal bars rib type
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyMaterialType Gets the MaterialType
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyMemberType Gets the MemberType
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyRotationAngle Gets the rotation angle of the member (in [rad])
(Inherited from IMemberData)
Public propertyRotationOption Gets the RotationOption
(Inherited from IMemberData)
See Also
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