IConcreteColumnAttributeSet Properties

The IConcreteColumnAttributeSet type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignment Gets the span alignment
Public propertyAutoAlign Gets a value indicating whether automatic alignment will be applied when the member is created in the model
Public propertyAutoDesign Gets a value indicating whether the member is in auto-design mode
Public propertyAutoDesignOption Gets the auto-design option
Public propertyConcreteDensityClass Gets the concrete density class
Public propertyConcreteType Gets the concrete type
Public propertyConstruction Gets the member construction
Public propertyElementSection Gets the element section
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyEndReleases Gets the end span releases
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyFabrication Gets the member fabrication
Public propertyGravityOnly Gets a value indicating the column is designed for gravity combinations only
Public propertyId Gets the ID of this set
(Inherited from IAttributeSet)
Public propertyMaterial Gets the material
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyMaterialType Gets the material type
Public propertyMemberType Gets the member type
Public propertyNominalCoverBeamTopEdge Gets the nominal cover on top edge (in [mm])
Public propertyRotationAngle Gets the rotation angle (in [rad])
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyRotationOption Gets the rotation option
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyStartReleases Gets the start span releases
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyUseSlabForStiffnessCalculationEndMajor Gets a value indicating whether the slab should be used for the stiffness calculation at end node in major direction
Public propertyUseSlabForStiffnessCalculationEndMinor Gets a value indicating whether the slab should be used for the stiffness calculation at end node in minor direction
Public propertyUseSlabForStiffnessCalculationStartMajor Gets a value indicating whether the slab should be used for the stiffness calculation at start node in major direction
Public propertyUseSlabForStiffnessCalculationStartMinor Gets a value indicating whether the slab should be used for the stiffness calculation at start node in minor direction
See Also
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