fsresGetProductionShippingStatus Properties

The fsresGetProductionShippingStatus type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCommandGUID (Inherited from fsresCommand.)
Public propertyErrorCode (Inherited from fsresCommand.)
Public propertyErrorMessage (Inherited from fsresCommand.)
Public propertyExcludeAccessoriesWithoutPieceLoadTracking
Public propertyFieldStation
The name of a field station referenced by one or more records in the production status.
Public propertyFilters
Filters applied to this command are echoed back.
Public propertyFilterSet
Filters applied to this command are echoed back.
Public propertyHoldSettings
Hold Settings as set by user
Public propertyInputDisplayUnits
Public propertyItem
Public propertyJobNumber
Public propertyLimit
Limited to this many records
Public propertyLimitHasMore
True if there are results beyond upper limit
Public propertyOffset
startint at this record number
Public propertyProductionControlID
Public propertyProductionStation
The name of a production station referenced by one or more records in the production status.
Public propertyShippingDestination
The name of a shipping destination referenced by one or more records in the production status.
Public propertyStatusOfOnlyMainMembers
Public propertySuccessful (Inherited from fsresCommand.)
Public propertySummaryField
The name of a summary field in the production status.
See Also
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