Tekla Developer Awards 2019: Tekla Open API North Direction Tool

Updated: 7 Feb 2024

Developed by

Manushri Johari, Structures Online.


This is my north tool for drawing in Open API competition.

The tool calculates the true north direction of the model beams and columns which user have to calculate manually by taking reference from the project north.

Problem that app solves

By using this tool user can just select multiple drawings at a time and double click the north tool, drawings will automatically open then north symbol will place and at last drawing will save then close.

Here are the advantages of this tool - it is basically a model macro in which various facilities are inbuilt like:

1. Version Independent (user can use it in any version recently working in 2019).

2. User does't require to open , save , and close each drawing. it will do automatically.

3. User does not require to do any manual calculations.

4. Works on multiple drawings at a time.

5. If using macro tekla does not require to open and close again and again for updating latest dll file for plugin.

6. Easy in handling live job errors.

7. Icon of the model macro explain its working it self through picture.

8. it doesn't require any .net platform for editing or changing source code so easy in implementation.

9. Checker mistakes can be reduced.

10. Time saving from manual calculations.

11. Same as like this other symbols (camber and slot symbols) are also placed by using this way which i have developed and implemented already for my in house betterment.

About the development project

After facing inhouse problems in placing north symbol from xsteel after manually calculating the north direction by our modelers and detailers, this north direction tool is developed by myself (Manushri Johari).


Reduce modelers and detailers time, manual calculations, errors i.e. it works successfully in our company.

Tekla Open API North Direction Tool at Tekla Warehouse

Download >

About the company - Structures Online

It is a structural steel detailing company.

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