Tekla Developer Awards 2019: Numbering Controller

Updated: 7 Feb 2024

Developed by

Grzegorz Olszewski, CONSTRAVIA LIMITED SP.K.


Application helps to track changes in numbering of Tekla assemblies. It gives immediate feedback in graphical way to user after numbering procedure. User can see numbering results in a familiar to model sharing changes way.

Problem that app solves

Application gives a user more intuitive way to see numbering changes. It is hard to convice normal user to check numbering logs. If he will see those changes in Tekla - job will be much easier :)


This is internal application of Constravia - precast design office located in Poland.

About the development project

Application was developed by one person. The idea arose from constant problems with Tekla numbering in our office.

Locking objects is not always the best solution, and sometimes it fails.

We needed something different, quick feedback to user what has been numbered.

Numbering Controller at Tekla Warehouse

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About the company - CONSTRAVIA LIMITED SP.K.

Modern precast design office focused on Scandinavian market. From the beginning using Tekla Structures. From many years trying to extend Tekla capabilites by encouraging C# developers to increase overall efficiency.

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