Promote in Tekla Development Experts

Updated: 27 Nov 2024

Tekla users need Tekla developersTekla Development Experts directory

The always-increasing Tekla user base asks for developers and Tekla API experts. The Tekla Development Experts directory helps Tekla users find experts in Tekla development for their projects. Note that the directory does not constitute an endorsement by Trimble.

Precast fabrication customers and embed providers are looking for developers

For example, Tekla’s precast fabrication customers and embed providers look for developers. Have you built integrations to ERP or production planner systems, or coded for the machinery? Have you created embeds or other BIM content? Put that in your Tekla Development Experts profile.

Promote your company

When listed as Tekla Development Expert you can easily promote your services and Tekla development expertise globally to Tekla users and your potential customers. All Tekla Partners Program members with valid licenses are welcome to join the Tekla Development Experts. 

In Trimble, we notify our customers of the existence of the list through our channels, such as social media, blogs, and websites.


We invite all members of the Tekla Partners Program to include their information in the Experts directory.


Want your company on the Tekla Development Experts? Follow the guidelines below.

Add and edit company information in Tekla Development Experts


Sign in required

Sign in with your Trimble Identity to get started.

Tekla Partners Program required

To add your company to the Tekla Development Experts you must be a member of the Tekla Partners Program.

If you do not know if your company has joined the Tekla Partners Program, go to My licenses and check if you have a valid TeklaPartnersProgram license.

Not a member yet? Learn more about the benefits of the membership and apply for the Program.

If your Tekla Partners Program membership expires, you will no longer be able to promote your company on the Tekla Development Experts page.

You are your company's Tekla Online admin 

Your Tekla Online administrator can add your information to the Tekla Development Experts. To check who is your company's Tekla Online admins, go to My organization.  

The My Organisation page will tell you if you are the admin of your organization. If you are not an admin, the page will tell who is. Please contact the admin of your organization and forward the link to these instructions to him or her.

Add your company to the Tekla Development Experts

  1. Browse to the Tekla Development Experts page
  2. If the prerequisites described above are met, a form appears on the right side of the page: Add and edit your company information in Tekla Development Experts.
  3. Fill in the following information:
    • Upload an image, for example, your company logo.
      • Images larger than 10 000 x 10 000 pixels will be resized
      • Images must be larger than 200 x 200 pixels
      • Allowed types: png, gif, jpg, and jpeg
      • One file only, the file size limit is 50 MB
    • Choose your location
    • Type your contact information: email, phone number, and your website. Include all the contact info that makes it easy for Tekla users to communicate with you. 
    • Write a short description of what your company does. Include a compact list of past projects, a link to your Tekla Warehouse collection, technology skills, etc.
    • Choose the expertise area
    • Add a customer quote or testimonial. Add another quote by clicking Add another item. Ensure you comply with advertising rules and have permission from your customer.
  4. Click Save. Your information will appear in the directory.

Keep your company info updated and fresh

After you have published your information on the Tekla Development Experts, remember to return to the page to keep the information updated and fresh. Your Tekla Online administrator can any time edit the information or hide or delete the list entry if needed.

Problems? Sign-in will refresh your information

If you experience problems with the Development Experts page,  it might be that your admin user has not signed in after receiving or renewing your Tekla Partners Program license. We suggest that the admin performs sign-out / in to refresh your license information.

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