Exercise 9: Browse through drawings list and open a drawing
You will learn how to do simple editing of a drawing that is opened in Tekla Structures. In this exercise you will add lines and texts to a drawing.
After downloading the TSOpenAPISelfLearningExercises package from GitHub (button above), find the example code for this exercise at \Exercise9-Drawings-List\ folder.
Before you start, open the project you created in exercise 8.
Browse through drawings list and open a drawing
Create a list view to your form that lists all the drawings available in your Tekla Structures model. The user can open a drawing from this list. Follow these steps to create your application:
Add a ListView control to your form for listing the available drawings.
Add a method that gets the drawings from Tekla Structures and adds them to the list.
Use DrawingEnumerator from DrawingHandler to loop through the available drawings.
Use Tag in the ListViewItem to store the drawing. ListViewItem represents an item in the ListView.
Call the method on the OnLoad event to execute it when the application starts.
Add a button to your form that checks drawing list is not empty and opens selected drawing in Tekla Structures. In the click-event, see which tag is selected and set that as active drawing.
Test your application.
The result should look similar to this: