Exercise 2: Create columns on top of pad footings
27 Mar 2024
You will learn how to create columns on top of the pad footings you created in the last exercise.
After downloading the TSOpenAPISelfLearningExercises package from GitHub (button above), find the example code for this exercise at \Exercise2-Columns\ folder.
Before you start, Open the project that you created in exercise 1.
Create columns on top of pad footings
Modify the last exercise so that you add a method for adding columns on top of the pad footings. Follow these steps to create your application:
- Create a method that creates and inserts one column based on the two input positions using Beam class. The column should have the following properties set up (remember to localize needed values):
Name = "COLUMN"; Profile.ProfileString = "HEA300"; Material.MaterialString = "S235JR"; Class = "2"; EndPoint.Z = 5000.0; Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; Position.Plane = Position.PlaneEnum.MIDDLE; Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE;
- Modify your click-event so that you create the columns on the same locations as your pad footings.
- Test your application.
The result should look similar to this: