Basic requirements for standard embeds
Keep it simple!
There is typically a large number of embeds in every model, so the way they are created has a big impact on the size and performance of the model. So the embeds should be as light as possible.
Items are the lightest option, but if you use native Tekla Structures objects simplify the embed: it does not need to be fully detailed. As there is no need to produce the manufacturing drawing from Tekla Structures model, the purpose of the embed is basically to indicate the space it requires in the model, to show the placement in the drawing, and to appear in material lists. So all parts which in reality belong to the embed are not needed in the custom component, and fine details like round or curved objects, chamfers, and small cuts should be avoided when creating standard embeds.
Minimize the number of parameters
For standard embeds there is normally no need for formulas and bindings. Only a basic set of parameters is needed. They are described in Adding parameters to the custom part made of Tekla Structures native objects.
So, instead of having one parameterized component for all sizes of the embed, create a set of individual, non-parametric custom components. They use less space in the model, are easy to create, and easy to use. Of course, if embed size variations are numerous (more than 20-30) then you can consider creating a parametric embed to cover all sizes.
Use consistent creation methods
Follow the rules given in this guideline for input point locations, materials, classes, etc. so that your components will:
- Behave correctly when inserting in the model
- Be interchangeable with other components of the same type, also when used as nested components
- Appear correctly in drawings and reports
- Work correctly in all Tekla Structures environments