ICalculator Methods

The ICalculator type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopyOutputToClipboard
Copies the output item to the Windows clipboard in the specified format
Public methodGetOutput
Returns the documented output from the calculator in the specified format.
Public methodGetVariables
Returns all the variables defined in the calculator excluding temporary variables
Public methodGetVariables2
Returns the current Document and Calc Section variables in the specified data format
Public methodGetVariables3
Returns the current Document and Calc Section variables in the specified data format
Public methodInitialize
Initializes the calculator to start calculating
Public methodInitializeCalc
Initializes the calculator and starts calculating using the specified Calc Library Item
Public methodSetForegroundWindow
Executes the Windows API function SetForegroundWindow from the Tedds calculator process.
Public methodSetOwnerWindow
Sets which window owns the Tedds calculator's main window
Public methodSetVariables
Assign the specified variables to the calculator instance
See Also
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