Solid Class |
The Solid class represents the physical object in the model created by a part instance.
A solid instance can be used to query the actual geometry of the part and intersect that
geometry with, for example, lines and planes.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Tekla.Structures.Model
Assembly: Tekla.Structures.Model (in Tekla.Structures.Model.dll) Version: 2024.0.0+a110b435391768740483e3032720a566518c9a63
The Solid type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
MaximumPoint |
Gets the maximum axis-aligned point of the solid in the current plane.
| |
MinimumPoint |
Gets the minimum axis-aligned point of the solid in the current plane.
Name | Description | |
GetAllIntersectionPoints |
Used to get all the intersection points between the solid and a plane.
Does not arrange the points into polygons, thus a lot faster.
| |
GetCutPart |
Returns a shell enumerator for the solid th at results cutting this solid with the given solid.
| |
GetEdgeEnumerator |
Returns a new edge enumerator in the current plane.
| |
GetFaceEnumerator |
Returns a new face enumerator in the current plane.
| |
Intersect(LineSegment) |
Returns a list of line - solid intersection points.
| |
Intersect(Point, Point) |
Returns a list of line - solid intersection points.
| |
Intersect(Point, Point, Point) | Obsolete.
Returns a list of plane - solid intersection points. The first item of the list contains
a list of the outmost intersection polygon and the rest of the items (if there are any)
inner polygons.
| |
IntersectAllFaces |
Returns an enumerator for an array list of lists of plane - solid intersection points from all intersecting faces.
The first item of one list contains points of the outmost intersection polygon and then the inner polygons (if there are any).
| |
IsValid |
Returns if the solid is valid.
using Tekla.Structures.Model; using Tekla.Structures.Solid; using Tekla.Structures.Geometry3d; using System.Collections; public class Example { public void Example1() { Beam MyPart = new Beam(); ArrayList MyList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList MyFaceNormalList = new ArrayList(); Solid Solid = MyPart.GetSolid(); FaceEnumerator MyFaceEnum = Solid.GetFaceEnumerator(); while (MyFaceEnum.MoveNext()) { Face MyFace = MyFaceEnum.Current as Face; if (MyFace != null) { MyFaceNormalList.Add(MyFace.Normal); LoopEnumerator MyLoopEnum = MyFace.GetLoopEnumerator(); while (MyLoopEnum.MoveNext()) { Loop MyLoop = MyLoopEnum.Current as Loop; if (MyLoop != null) { VertexEnumerator MyVertexEnum = MyLoop.GetVertexEnumerator() as VertexEnumerator; while (MyVertexEnum.MoveNext()) { Point MyVertex = MyVertexEnum.Current as Point; if (MyVertex != null) { MyList.Add(MyVertex); } } } } } } } }
See Also