ModelHistory Methods

The ModelHistory type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetCurrentModificationStamp Obsolete.
Gets the current modification stamp from the model.
Public methodStatic memberGetDeletedObjects Obsolete.
Gets a list of the objects that have been deleted after the modification stamp.
Public methodStatic memberGetDeletedObjectsWithType Obsolete.
Gets based on type a list of the objects that have been deleted after the modification stamp.
Public methodStatic memberGetLocalChanges
Get changes which are not written out.
Public methodStatic memberGetModifications(String, ModificationStamp)
Lookup modifications since previous call of TakeModifications() without resetting the modstamp
Public methodStatic memberGetModifications(String, IEnumerableModelObjectModelObjectEnum, ModificationStamp)
Lookup modifications since previous call of TakeModifications() without resetting the modstamp, with object type filtering
Public methodStatic memberGetModifiedObjects Obsolete.
Gets a list of the objects that have been added or modified after the modification stamp.
Public methodStatic memberGetModifiedObjectsWithType Obsolete.
Gets based on type a list of the objects that have been added or modified after the modification stamp.
Public methodStatic memberGetNotSharedObjects
Get object which are was created or modified since last ModelSharing WriteOut.
Public methodStatic memberTakeModifications(String, ModificationStamp)
Take modifications since previous call.
Public methodStatic memberTakeModifications(String, IEnumerableModelObjectModelObjectEnum, ModificationStamp)
Take modifications since previous call, with object type filtering.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateModificationStampToLatest
Updates the modification stamp to latest.
See Also
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