Model Class

The Model class represents a single model open in Tekla Structures. Before interaction with the model, the user will have to create one instance of this class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Tekla.Structures.Model
Assembly:  Tekla.Structures.Model (in Tekla.Structures.Model.dll) Version: 2024.0.0+a110b435391768740483e3032720a566518c9a63
public sealed class Model

The Model type exposes the following members.

Public methodModel
Creates a "handle" to the currently open model.
Public methodCommitChanges
Commits the changes made to the model database so far. One commit is something that a user can later on undo with the undo command. A commit also launches the drawing of the changed product model to the visible views. A dependent plug-in should never call CommitChanges, since this would make undo very difficult for the user to do. However, non-dependent plug-ins require a separate commit if new objects are created.
Public methodCommitChanges(String)
Commits the changes made to the model database so far. One commit is something that a user can later on undo with the undo command. A commit also launches the drawing of the changed product model to the visible views. A plug-in should never call CommitChanges, since this would make undo very difficult for the user to do.
Public methodCode exampleFetchModelObjects(ListString, Boolean)
Fetches a list of modelobjects based on given guid list of objects, checks if guid is native or external (for reference model object) and optionally selects objects before returning them.
Public methodCode exampleFetchModelObjects(ListIdentifier, Boolean)
Fetches a list of modelobjects based on given identifier list of objects, and optionally selects objects before returning them.
Public methodGetClashCheckHandler
Returns a new clash check handler.
Public methodGetConnectionStatus
Returns true if a proper connection to the Tekla Structures process has been established. Currently, there's no way to re-establish the connection.
Public methodGetGUIDByIdentifier
Returns the GUID of the given identifier instance.
Public methodGetIdentifierByGUID
Returns an identifier instance that has the given GUID in the model.
Public methodGetInfo
Returns information about the currently open model.
Public methodGetModelObjectSelector
Returns a ModelObjectSelector instance from which different kind of selections can be made.
Public methodGetPhases
Returns information about the current model's phases.
Public methodGetProjectInfo
Returns information about the current model's project.
Public methodGetWorkPlaneHandler
Returns a new work plane handler for the model. The work plane handler can be used to manipulate the current work plane in the model.
Public methodSelectModelObject
Takes as input an identifier to an object and then checks its type and instantiates and selects it before returning it.
See Also
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