Events Events

The Events type exposes the following members.

Public eventDocumentManagerClosed
The DocumentManagerClosed eventis raised when the document manager is closed.
Public eventDrawingEditorClosed
The DrawingEditorClosed event is raised when the drawing editor is closed.
Public eventDrawingEditorOpened
The DrawingEditorOpened event is raised when the drawing editor is opened.
Public eventDrawingListSelectionChanged
The DrawingListSelectionChanged event is raised when selection on the drawing list has changed.
Public eventDrawingLoaded
The DrawingLoaded event is raised when a new drawing is opened in the drawing editor.
Public eventInterrupted
Occurs when user interrupts.
Public eventLayoutEditingModeEntered
The LayoutEditingModeEntered event is raised when layout editing mode is started.
Public eventLayoutEditingModeExited
The LayoutEditingModeEntered event is raised when layout editing mode is finished.
Public eventLayoutOptionModified
The event is raised when layout option is modified
Public eventLayoutTableDeleted
The event is raised when table is deleted
Public eventLayoutTableInserted
The event is raised when table is inserted
Public eventLayoutTableLayoutModified
The event is raised when tablelayout is modified
Public eventLayoutTableModified
The event is never raised
Public eventSelectionChange
The SelectionChange event is raised when the selection is changed in a Tekla Structures drawing.
See Also
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