DimensionSetBaseAttributesDimensionValueFormats Enumeration

The dimension value formats.

Namespace:  Tekla.Structures.Drawing
Assembly:  Tekla.Structures.Drawing (in Tekla.Structures.Drawing.dll) Version: 2024.0.0+a110b435391768740483e3032720a566518c9a63
public enum DimensionValueFormats
  Member nameValueDescription
NoDecimals0 The value is with no decimals.
OneOptionalDecimal1 The value is with one decimal if the value is not whole.
OneDecimal2 The value is with one decimal.
TwoOptionalDecimals3 The value is with two decimals if the value is not whole.
TwoDecimals4 The value is with two decimals.
ThreeOptionalDecimals5 The value is with three decimals if the value is not whole.
ThreeDecimals6 The value is with three decimals.
RationalPart7 The value is with a rational part.
SuperscriptEnding8 The value is with superscript ending.
See Also
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