CastUnitDrawing Properties

The CastUnitDrawing type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCastUnitById
Cast unit definition method. True means the cast unit definition method is by cast unit id. False means the cast unit definition method is by cast unit position.
Public propertyCastUnitIdentifier
The identifier of the model object cast unit.
Public propertyCommitMessage
Gets the commit message
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyCreationDate
The drawing creation date.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyDrawingTypeStr
The type of the drawing
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIsFrozen
Describes whether the drawing is frozen.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIsIssued
Describes whether the drawing is issued.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIsIssuedButModified
Describes whether the drawing is issued but modified since it was issued.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIsLocked
Describes whether the drawing is locked.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIsLockedBy
Gets the logged in username that set the drawing to locked
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIsMasterDrawing
Describes whether the drawing is a master drawing (shown with a special symbol on the drawing list).
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIsReadyForIssue
Describes whether the drawing is ready for issue.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIsReadyForIssueBy
Gets the logged in username that set the drawing Ready for issue
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyIssuingDate
The drawing issuing date.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyLayout
Gets the drawing layout attributes.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyMark
The drawing mark.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyModificationDate
The drawing modification date.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyName
The name of the drawing.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyOutputDate
The drawing output date. XS_DISABLE_DRAWING_PLOT_DATE controls whether this date is set.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyQueryReturnValue
Status information about the latest database operation (select, insert, modify, delete).
(Inherited from DatabaseObject.)
Public propertySectionViewStartLabel
Gets the drawing attribute for start label of section view
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertySheetNumber
The sheet number of the drawing.
Public propertyTitle1
The first drawing title.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyTitle2
The second drawing title.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyTitle3
The third drawing title.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
Public propertyUpToDateStatus
Gets the drawing up to date status.
(Inherited from Drawing.)
See Also
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