BentPlateGeometrySolver Methods

The BentPlateGeometrySolver type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddLeg(ConnectiveGeometry, Contour)
Appends a polygon section to ConnectiveGeometry, using the maximal radius for the cylindrical connection.
Public methodAddLeg(ConnectiveGeometry, Contour, Double)
Appends a polygon section to this ConnectiveGeometry, using the specified radius for the cylindrical connection.
Public methodAddLeg(ConnectiveGeometry, Contour, BentPlateBendShape)
Appends a polygon section to ConnectiveGeometry, using the maximal radius for the cylindrical connection, or the maximum cone aperture for conical connection.
Public methodAddLeg(ConnectiveGeometry, LineSegment, Contour, LineSegment)
Appends a polygon section to this ConnectiveGeometry, using the specified connection points and maximal radius for the cylindrical connection.
Public methodAddLeg(ConnectiveGeometry, Contour, Double, Double)
Joins a polygon section to this ConnectiveGeometry, using the specified radius and aperture for the conical connection.
Public methodAddLeg(ConnectiveGeometry, LineSegment, Contour, LineSegment, Double)
Appends a polygon section to this ConnectiveGeometry, using the specified connection points and radius for the cylindrical connection.
Public methodAddLeg(ConnectiveGeometry, LineSegment, Contour, LineSegment, BentPlateBendShape)
Appends a polygon section to this ConnectiveGeometry, using the specified connection points and maximal radius for the cylindrical connection, or maximum aperture for conical connection.
Public methodAddLeg(ConnectiveGeometry, LineSegment, Contour, LineSegment, Double, Double)
Joins a polygon section to this ConnectiveGeometry, using the specified connection points and radius and aperture for the conical connection.
Public methodModifyBendSurface
Modifies the shape of a bend surface section, and updates related polygon sections accordingly.
Public methodModifyConicalRadiuses
Modify the radiuses of a conical section, preserving the length of the side boundaries. The order of the provided radiuses is not relevant, as the cone vertex will be located on the same side of the plates as the original cone section.
Public methodModifyCylindricalSurface
Modifies the shape of a cylindrical surface section, and updates related polygon sections accordingly.
Public methodModifyPolygon
Modify the shape of a polygon section, and updates related cylindrical sections accordingly.
Public methodModifyRadius
Modify the radius of a cylindrical section.
Public methodRemoveLeg
Removes a polygon section which is the end section, from this ConnectiveGeometry including extensions and cylindrical surface.
Public methodScaleConeSection
Scale the shape of a conical section.
Public methodSetBendAngle
Sets angle as the angle of curved section sectionToSetAngle and modifies geometry starting from sectionToMove.
Public methodSetMainSection
Sets newMainSection as a main section of geometry.
Public methodSplit
Returns the resulting geometry or geometries when a section and the related automatically created sections are removed from this geometry.
See Also
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