Solid Methods

The Solid type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetAllIntersectionPoints
Used to get all the intersection points between the solid and a plane. Does not arrange the points into polygons, thus a lot faster.
Public methodCode exampleGetCutPart
Returns a shell enumerator for the solid th at results cutting this solid with the given solid.
Public methodGetEdgeEnumerator
Returns a new edge enumerator in the current plane.
Public methodGetFaceEnumerator
Returns a new face enumerator in the current plane.
Public methodIntersect(LineSegment)
Returns a list of line - solid intersection points.
Public methodIntersect(Point, Point)
Returns a list of line - solid intersection points.
Public methodIntersect(Point, Point, Point) Obsolete.
Returns a list of plane - solid intersection points. The first item of the list contains a list of the outmost intersection polygon and the rest of the items (if there are any) inner polygons.
Public methodCode exampleIntersectAllFaces
Returns an enumerator for an array list of lists of plane - solid intersection points from all intersecting faces. The first item of one list contains points of the outmost intersection polygon and then the inner polygons (if there are any).
Public methodIsValid
Returns if the solid is valid.
See Also
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