ProjectInfo Properties

The ProjectInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddress
The address information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyBuilder
The builder information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyCountry
The address country information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyDescription
The description of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyDesigner
The designer information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyEndDate
The end date information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyGUID
The GUID field of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyInfo1
The Info 1 field of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyInfo2
The Info 2 field of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyLocation
The address location information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyModelSharingLocalPath Obsolete.
The local folder for model sharing. Is null if not defined for the model.
Public propertyModelSharingServerPath Obsolete.
The server path for model sharing. Is null if not defined for the model.
Public propertyName
The name information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyObject
The object information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyPostalBox
The address postal box information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyPostalCode
The address postal code information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyProjectNumber
The project number information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyRegion
The address region information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyStartDate
The start date information of the ProjectInfo.
Public propertyTown
The address town information of the ProjectInfo.
See Also
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