GraphicsDrawer Methods

The GraphicsDrawer type exposes the following members.

Public methodDrawLineSegment(LineSegment, Color)
Draws a temporary line segment in the currently active rendered view.
Public methodDrawLineSegment(Point, Point, Color)
Draws a temporary line segment in the currently active rendered view.
Public methodDrawMeshLines
Draws the mesh lines as temporary graphics in the currently active Tekla Structures rendered view.
Public methodDrawMeshSurface
Draws the mesh surface as temporary graphics in the currently active Tekla Structures rendered view. The counterclockwise sides of the mesh triangles are drawn.
Public methodDrawPolyLine
Draw a temporary polyline into all open Tekla Structures views.
Public methodDrawText
Draws a temporary text in the currently active rendered view.
Public methodRemoveTemporaryGraphicsObject
Remove a temporary graphic object from all views.
Public methodRemoveTemporaryGraphicsObjects
Remove a list of temporary graphic objects from all views.
See Also
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