CatalogObjectTypeEnum Enumeration

The catalog object type.

Namespace:  Tekla.Structures.Catalogs
Assembly:  Tekla.Structures.Catalogs (in Tekla.Structures.Catalogs.dll) Version: 2023.0.3
public enum CatalogObjectTypeEnum
  Member nameValueDescription
PART1 The part type.
STEEL_BEAM2 The steel beam type.
STEEL_COLUMN3 The steel column type.
STEEL_ORTHOGONAL_BEAM4 The steel orthogonal beam type.
STEEL_TWIN_PROFILE_BEAM5 The steel twin profile beam type.
STEEL_CONTOUR_PLATE6 The steel contour plate type.
STEEL_FOLDED_PLATE7 The steel folded plate type.
CONCRETE_BEAM8 The concrete beam type.
CONCRETE_COLUMN9 The concrete column type.
CONCRETE_PAD_FOOTING10 The concrete pad footing type.
CONCRETE_STRIP_FOOTING11 The concrete strip footing type.
CONCRETE_PANEL12 The concrete panel type.
CONCRETE_SLAB13 The concrete slab type.
REINFORCING_BAR14 The reinforcing bar type.
SURFACING15 The surfacing type.
WELD16 The weld type.
BOLT17 The bolt type.
STEEL_ASSEMBLY18 The steel assembly type.
PRECAST_CONCRETE_ASSEMBLY19 The precast concrete assembly type.
INSITU_CONCRETE_ASSEMBLY20 The in situ concrete assembly type.
POUR_OBJECT21 The pour object type.
POUR_BREAK22 The pour break type.
GRID23 The grid type.
PROJECT24 The project type.
PHASE25 The phase type.
TASK26 The task type.
REFERENCE_MODEL27 The reference model type.
REFERENCE_MODEL_OBJECT28 The reference model object type.
SINGLE_PART_DRAWING29 The single part drawing type.
ASSEMBLY_DRAWING30 The assembly drawing type.
GA_DRAWING31 The general arrangement drawing type.
MULTI_DRAWING32 The multidrawing type.
CAST_UNIT_DRAWING33 The cast unit drawing type.
BENT_PLATE34 The bent plate type.
STEEL_BREP_PART35 The steel brep part type.
CONCRETE_BREP_PART36 The concrete brep part type.
CHAMFER_OBJECT37 The chanfer object type.
SURFACE_OBJECT38 The surface object type.
GRID_PLANE39 The grid plane type.
STEEL_SPIRAL_BEAM40 The steel helix part type.
CONCRETE_SPIRAL_BEAM41 The concrete helix part type.
POUR_UNIT42 The pour unit type.
STEEL_LOFTED_PLATE43 The steel lofted plate part type.
CONCRETE_LOFTED_SLAB44 The concrete lofted slab part type.
See Also
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