ApplicationWindowBase Methods

The ApplicationWindowBase type exposes the following members.

Public methodApplyValues
Loads the dialog values from a file and performs Apply on the loaded values. To match the files to a certain dialog, the file suffix is set as the dialog type's name.
(Inherited from WindowBase.)
Public methodGetConnectionStatus
Returns true if a proper connection to the Tekla Structures process has been established. Currently, there's no way to re-establish the connection.
(Inherited from WindowBase.)
Public methodInitializeDataStorage
Initializes the datastorage and registers property bindings for defined viewmodel.
Public methodInitializeWindow
Prepares the data storage for the dialog and scans through the fields.
(Inherited from WindowBase.)
Public methodLoadValues
Loads the dialog values from a file. To match the files to a certain dialog, the file suffix is set as the dialog type's name.
(Inherited from WindowBase.)
Public methodModifyValues
Loads the dialog values from a file and performs Modify on the loaded values. To match the files to a certain dialog, the file suffix is set as the dialog type's name.
(Inherited from WindowBase.)
Public methodSaveValues
Serializes the dialog values to an xml file.
(Inherited from WindowBase.)
Public methodShowWindow
Displays the window.
(Inherited from WindowBase.)
Public methodUpdateDataStorageFromViewModel
DO NOT USE! For internal usage only!
(Inherited from WindowBase.)
See Also
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