AnalysisPart Properties

The AnalysisPart type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnalysisAreas
The analysis areas of the analysis part.
Public propertyAnalysisBars
The analysis bars of the analysis part.
Public propertyAnalysisDesignCode
The analysis design code of the analysis part.
Public propertyAnalysisModelName
Gets or sets the analysis model name.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyAnalysisObjectType
Gets or sets the type of the analysis object.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyAnalysisPartAnalysisProperties
The analysis part analysis properties.
Public propertyAnalysisPartAreaAttributes
The analysis part area attributes.
Public propertyAnalysisPartBarAttributes
The analysis part bar attributes.
Public propertyAnalysisPartCompositeProperties
The analysis part composite properties.
Public propertyAnalysisPartLoadingProperties
The analysis part loading properties.
Public propertyAnalysisPartPositionProperties
The analysis part position properties.
Public propertyAnalysisPartSpanningProperties
The analysis part spanning properties.
Public propertyAnalysisType
The analysis type of the analysis part.
Public propertyAnalysisVolumes
The analysis volumes of the analysis part.
Public propertyCoordinateSystem
The coordinate system of the analysis part.
Public propertyCurvature
The curvature of the analysis part.
Public propertyFatherObject2ID
Gets or sets the identifier of the father part.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyFatherObject2Type
Gets or sets the type of the father object.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyFatherObjectID
Gets or sets the identifier of the father part.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyFatherObjectType
Gets or sets the type of the father object.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyID
Gets or sets the identifier of the analysis object.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyLoadBearingOrder
The load bearing order.
Public propertyMaterial
The material of the analysis part.
Public propertyOverrideProfile
The override profile of the analysis part. In case of tapered profile, only the name is available, and more details are available in the start/end properties of the analysis members.
Public propertyPartID
The identifier of the physical part.
Public propertyPartName
The name of the physical part.
Public propertyPartType
The type of the physical part.
Public propertyProfile
The profile of the analysis part. Note: OverrideProfile may exist to replace this. In case of tapered profile, only the name is available, ID is 0 and values are not returned. More details are available in the start/end properties of the analysis members.
Public propertySnapDistance
The snap distance. Use 0.0 for manual connectivity, positive value for automatic connectivity.
Public propertyUpDirection
The up direction of the analysis part (in the global coordinate system). The axis vector (connecting member end nodes) and the up direction vector define the local XY plane of the member. The local Z can be calculated as localZ = localX x UpDirection (cross product), and after this localY = localZ x localX (cross product).
See Also
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