AnalysisPart Methods

The AnalysisPart type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(AnalysisArea)
Adds an analysis area to the analysis part.
Public methodAdd(AnalysisBar)
Adds an analysis bar to the analysis part.
Public methodDelete
Deletes an analysis part. The method is not implemented.
Public methodDeleteAnalysisPart
Deletes the analysis part by ID.
Public methodGetAnalysisAreas
Gets the analysis areas of the analysis part.
Public methodGetAnalysisBars
Gets the analysis bars of the analysis part.
Public methodGetAnalysisVolumes
Gets the analysis volumes of the analysis part.
Public methodGetMainParts
Get the main analysis parts of this analysis part. There are no main analysis parts if this is not a sub analysis part.
Public methodGetSubParts
Get the sub analysis parts of this analysis part. There are no sub analysis parts if this is not a main analysis part.
Public methodInsert
Inserts a new analysis part into the Tekla Structures model. The AnalysisModelName has to be set.
Public methodIsMainPart
Check if this analysis part is a main analysis part (has sub analysis parts).
Public methodIsSubPart
Check if this analysis part is a sub analysis part.
Public methodModify
Modifies an analysis part. The ID, or the PartID and the AnalysisModelName, has to be set.
Public methodMovePosition
Move analysis position.
Public methodSelect
Selects an analysis part. The ID, or the PartID and the AnalysisModelName, has to be set.
(Overrides AnalysisObjectSelect.)
See Also
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