AnalysisObjectAnalysisObjectEnum Enumeration

All subclasses of analysis objects are defined here. This enumeration can be used to select certain types of analysis objects.

Namespace:  Tekla.Structures.Analysis
Assembly:  Tekla.Structures.Analysis (in Tekla.Structures.Analysis.dll) Version: 2023.0.3
public enum AnalysisObjectEnum
  Member nameValueDescription
ANALYSIS_NOT_DEFINED0 The analysis object type is not defined.
ANALYSIS_MODEL1 This type is for selecting analysis models from the current Tekla Structures model.
ANALYSIS_PART2 This type is for selecting analysis parts from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_BAR3 This type is for selecting analysis bars from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_AREA4 This type is for selecting analysis areas from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_VOLUME5 This type is for selecting analysis volumes from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_MEMBER6 This type is for selecting analysis members from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_DECOMPOSED_LOAD_NODE7 This type is for selecting decomposed node loads from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_DECOMPOSED_LOAD_BAR8 This type is for selecting decomposed bar loads from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_DECOMPOSED_LOAD_AREA9 This type is for selecting decomposed area loads from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_DECOMPOSED_LOAD_MEMBER10 This type is for selecting decomposed member loads from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_DECOMPOSED_LOAD_SELFWEIGHT11 This type is for selecting decomposed selfweight loads from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_DECOMPOSED_LOAD_TEMPERATURE12 This type is for selecting decomposed temperature loads from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_AREA_POLYGON13 This type is for selecting area polygons from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_AREA_HOLE14 This type is for selecting area holes from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_EDGE15 This type is for selecting area edges from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_EDGE_HOLE16 This type is for selecting area hole edges from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_POSITION_BAR17 This type is for selecting bar positions from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_POSITION_AREA18 This type is for selecting area polygon positions from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_POSITION_AREA_INNER19 This type is for selecting area inner positions from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_POSITION_AREA_HOLE20 This type is for selecting area hole positions from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_POSITION_EDGE_SPLIT21 This type is for selecting edge split positions from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_POSITION_EDGE_SPLIT_HOLE22 This type is for selecting edge split hole positions from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_POSITION_FACE23 This type is for selecting face positions from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_NODE24 This type is for selecting analysis nodes from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_NODE_LINK25 This type is for selecting analysis node links from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_DESIGN_PARAMETER26 This type is for selecting analysis design parameters from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_DESIGN_PARAMETER_MULTI27 This type is for selecting analysis design multi parameters from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_MODEL_CONNECTIVITY_RULE28 This type is for selecting analysis connectivity rules from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_FACE29 This type is for selecting analysis faces from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_VOLUME_ITEM30 This type is for selecting analysis volume items from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_CROSS_SECTION31 This type is for selecting analysis cross sections from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_SUB_SECTION32 This type is for selecting analysis subsections from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_MATERIAL33 This type is for selecting analysis materials from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_CROSS_SECTION_GROUP34 This type is for selecting analysis cross section groups from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_RIGID_DIAPHRAGM35 This type is for selecting analysis rigid diaphragms from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_LOAD_GROUP36 This type is for selecting analysis load groups from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_LOAD_COMBINATION37 This type is for selecting analysis load combinations from the current analysis model.
ANALYSIS_MODEL_LOAD38 This type is for selecting model loads from the current analysis model.
See Also
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