AnalysisNode Properties

The AnalysisNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnalysisModelName
Gets or sets the analysis model name.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyAnalysisObjectType
Gets or sets the type of the analysis object.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyCoordinateSystem
The coordinate system of the analysis node.
Public propertyFatherObject2ID
Gets or sets the identifier of the father part.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyFatherObject2Type
Gets or sets the type of the father object.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyFatherObjectID
Gets or sets the identifier of the father part.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyFatherObjectType
Gets or sets the type of the father object.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyID
Gets or sets the identifier of the analysis object.
(Inherited from AnalysisObject.)
Public propertyIsUserNode
Indicates whether the analysis node is a user node.
Public propertyIsUserSupport
Indicates whether the analysis node has a user node.
Public propertyLabel
The label of the analysis node.
Public propertyPosition
The position of the analysis node (in the global coordinate system).
Public propertySupport
The support of the analysis node.
See Also
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