AABB Class

The AABB class represents an axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Tekla.Structures.Geometry3d
Assembly:  Tekla.Structures (in Tekla.Structures.dll) Version: 2023.0.3
public class AABB : IBoundingVolume

The AABB type exposes the following members.

Public methodAABB
Instantiates a new axis-aligned 3d bounding box with the maximum point initialized to the smallest possible value and the minimum point to the largest possible value.
Public methodAABB(AABB)
Instantiates a new axis-aligned 3d bounding box which is a copy of the given axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Public methodAABB(IEnumerablePoint)
Constructs AABB from given point list.
Public methodAABB(Point, Point)
Instantiates a new axis-aligned 3d bounding box with the given minimum and maximum points.
Public propertyMaxPoint
The maximum point of the axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Public propertyMinPoint
The minimum point of the axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Public methodCollide
Checks if the current axis-aligned 3d bounding box collides with another given axis-aligned 3d bounding box. Both axis-aligned 3d bounding boxes need to be in the same coordinate system or in the same workplane, so that they are defined using the same axes.
Public methodGetCenterPoint
Returns the geometric center point of the current axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Public methodGetCornerPoints
Returns all corner points of the current axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Public methodIsInside(LineSegment)
Checks if the given line segment is inside the current axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Public methodIsInside(Point)
Checks if the given point is inside the current axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(AABB, AABB)
Combines (adds) the given two axis-aligned 3d bounding boxes.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(AABB, Point)
Adds the given point to the given axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Point, AABB)
Adds the given point to the given axis-aligned 3d bounding box.
using Tekla.Structures.Geometry3d;
using Tekla.Structures.Model;
using System;

public class Example
       public void Example1()
           Beam MyBeam1 = new Beam();
           Beam MyBeam2 = new Beam();

           Solid MySolid1 = MyBeam1.GetSolid();
           Solid MySolid2 = MyBeam2.GetSolid();
           AABB MyAxisAlignedBoundingBox1 = new AABB(MySolid1.MinimumPoint, MySolid1.MaximumPoint);
           AABB MyAxisAlignedBoundingBox2 = new AABB(MySolid2.MinimumPoint, MySolid2.MaximumPoint);

           if (MyAxisAlignedBoundingBox1.Collide(MyAxisAlignedBoundingBox2))
               Console.WriteLine("Collision between beams!");
See Also
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