TSD. |
This namespace contains interfaces related to structure and structural elements.
Class | Description | |
WebOpeningInfillTypeExtensions | Contains extension methods for WebOpeningInfillType enumeration | |
WebOpeningStiffeningExtensions | Contains extension methods for WebOpeningStiffening enumeration | |
WestokElongatedWebOpeningStiffenerZoneTypeExtensions | Contains extension methods for WestokElongatedWebOpeningStiffenerZoneType enumeration |
Structure | Description | |
MemberSpanInfo | Represents an info about a span of a member | |
SubEntityInfo | Represents an info about a sub-entity |
Interface | Description | |
IArchitecturalGrid | Represents an architectural grid | |
IAreaElement | Represents common properties of area elements | |
ICircularWebOpening | Represents a circular web opening | |
IColumnDropData | Represents additional data of slab item if the slab item is column drop | |
IConcreteBeamSpanData | Represents a data of a span of a concrete beam | |
IConcreteColumnData | Represents the data of a concrete column | |
IConcreteColumnStackData | Represents a data of a stack of a concrete column | |
IConstructionHelper | Represents a construction helper | |
IConstructionPlane | Represents a construction plane | |
IConstructionPoint | Represents a single construction point | |
IConstructionPointGroup | Represents a group of construction points | |
IDeck | Represents a deck | |
IElementGroup | Represents an element group | |
IElongatedWebOpening | Represents an elongated web opening | |
IEndPlate | Represents an end plate | |
IHaunch | Represents a haunch | |
IHaveWebOpenings | Represents an object that can contain web openings | |
IHorizontalConstructionPlane | Represents a construction level | |
IMember | Represents a member (for all types of members, see MemberType) | |
IMemberData | Represents the data of a member | |
IMemberNode | Represents a member node | |
IMemberSpan | Represents a span of a member | |
IMemberSpanData | Represents a data of a span of a member | |
IModel | Represents structure model | |
IPlanarEntity | Represents a planar entity | |
IRectangularWebOpening | Represents a rectangular web opening | |
IRoof | Represents a roof | |
IRoofData | Represents additional data of a roof | |
ISimpleCircularWebOpening | Represents a simple circular web opening | |
ISimpleElongatedWebOpening | Represents a simple elongated web opening | |
ISimpleRectangularWebOpening | Represents a simple rectangular web opening | |
ISimpleSquareWebOpening | Represents a simple square web opening | |
ISimpleWebOpening | Represents a simple web opening | |
ISlab | Represents a slab | |
ISlabData | Represents additional data of slab | |
ISlabItem | Represents a slab item | |
ISlabItemData | Represents additional data of a slab item | |
ISlabItemEdge | Represents an edge of a ISlabItem | |
ISlabItemOverhangData | Represents additional data of slab item if the slab item is overhang | |
ISlabOpening | Represents an opening in slab | |
ISlabPatch | Represents a slab patch | |
ISlopedConstructionPlane | Represents a sloped construction plane | |
ISpanAlignment | Represents member span alignment | |
ISpanReleases | Represents member span end releases | |
ISquareWebOpening | Represents a square web opening | |
ISteelBeamSpanData | Represents a data of a span of a steel beam | |
ISteelColumnData | Represents the data of a steel column | |
ISteelColumnStackData | Represents data of a stack of a steel column | |
IStrip | Represents the data of an individual strip | |
IStructuralWall | Represents a structural wall | |
IStructuralWallData | Represents additional data of a structural wall | |
IStructuralWallPanel | Represents a panel in IStructuralWall | |
IStructuralWallPanelData | Represents data of panel in IStructuralWall | |
ISubEntityCollection | Represents collection of IModel sub-entities | |
ISubModel | Represents a sub-model | |
ISubModels | Represents sub-models | |
ISupport | Represents a support | |
IVerticalConstructionPlane | Represents a frame | |
IWallOpening | Represents a wall opening | |
IWebOpening | Represents a web opening | |
IWestokCircularWebOpening | Represents a circular Westok web opening | |
IWestokElongatedWebOpening | Represents an elongated Westok web opening | |
IWestokWebOpening | Represents a Westok web opening | |
IWindWall | Represents a wind wall |
Enumeration | Description | |
ConstructionHelperLineType | Represents the line type of a construction helper | |
ConstructionHelperType | Represents type of construction helper | |
ConstructionPointType | Represents the type of a construction point | |
CurvedOption | Represents curvature | |
DeckType | Represents deck type of slab | |
DecompositionType | Represents type of decomposition | |
DiaphragmOption | Represents diaphragm option | |
ElementGroupType | Represents type of element group | |
EndPlateOverlapOption | Represents an end plate overlap option | |
GridLineNameType | Represents the type of a grid line name | |
HaunchCutType | Represents a haunch cut type | |
HaunchDepthOption | Represents a haunch depth option | |
HaunchFabrication | Represents a haunch fabrication | |
HaunchSectionDerivation | Represents a haunch section derivation | |
MemberConstruction | Represents member construction | |
MemberFabrication | Represents member fabrication | |
MemberType | Represents the type of a IMember | |
MeshType | Represents a mesh type | |
PlaneType | Defines the types of planes (Horizontal and Sloped) | |
RoofType | Represents type of roof | |
RotationOption | Represents rotation option | |
SectionSnapLevel | Represents section snap level | |
ShearConnectionCondition | Shear connection condition | |
SlabContourType | Represents a slab contour type (is a flag enum!) | |
SlabSurface | Represents a face of a slab | |
SlabType | Represents type of slab | |
StructuralWallType | Represents a type of IStructuralWall | |
ToppingOption | Represents types of topping | |
WallPanelAlignment | Represents an alignment of IStructuralWallPanel | |
WallPanelReleaseType | Represents a release type of IStructuralWallPanel | |
WebOpeningInfillType | The type of infill in a Westok web opening | |
WebOpeningShape | Represents the shape of a web opening | |
WebOpeningStiffening | Represents the web opening stiffening | |
WestokElongatedWebOpeningStiffenerZoneType | Represents the type of an elongated Westok web opening stiffener zone | |
WindDecompositionTarget | Represents a wind decomposition target |