TSD.API.Remoting.Structure Namespace

This namespace contains interfaces related to structure and structural elements.
Public classWebOpeningInfillTypeExtensions Contains extension methods for WebOpeningInfillType enumeration
Public classWebOpeningStiffeningExtensions Contains extension methods for WebOpeningStiffening enumeration
Public classWestokElongatedWebOpeningStiffenerZoneTypeExtensions Contains extension methods for WestokElongatedWebOpeningStiffenerZoneType enumeration
Public structureMemberSpanInfo Represents an info about a span of a member
Public structureSubEntityInfo Represents an info about a sub-entity
Public interfaceIArchitecturalGrid Represents an architectural grid
Public interfaceIAreaElement Represents common properties of area elements
Public interfaceICircularWebOpening Represents a circular web opening
Public interfaceIColumnDropData Represents additional data of slab item if the slab item is column drop
Public interfaceIConcreteBeamSpanData Represents a data of a span of a concrete beam
Public interfaceIConcreteColumnData Represents the data of a concrete column
Public interfaceIConcreteColumnStackData Represents a data of a stack of a concrete column
Public interfaceIConstructionHelper Represents a construction helper
Public interfaceIConstructionPlane Represents a construction plane
Public interfaceIConstructionPoint Represents a single construction point
Public interfaceIConstructionPointGroup Represents a group of construction points
Public interfaceIDeck Represents a deck
Public interfaceIElementGroup Represents an element group
Public interfaceIElongatedWebOpening Represents an elongated web opening
Public interfaceIEndPlate Represents an end plate
Public interfaceIHaunch Represents a haunch
Public interfaceIHaveWebOpenings Represents an object that can contain web openings
Public interfaceIHorizontalConstructionPlane Represents a construction level
Public interfaceIMember Represents a member (for all types of members, see MemberType)
Public interfaceIMemberData Represents the data of a member
Public interfaceIMemberNode Represents a member node
Public interfaceIMemberSpan Represents a span of a member
Public interfaceIMemberSpanData Represents a data of a span of a member
Public interfaceIModel Represents structure model
Public interfaceIPlanarEntity Represents a planar entity
Public interfaceIRectangularWebOpening Represents a rectangular web opening
Public interfaceIRoof Represents a roof
Public interfaceIRoofData Represents additional data of a roof
Public interfaceISimpleCircularWebOpening Represents a simple circular web opening
Public interfaceISimpleElongatedWebOpening Represents a simple elongated web opening
Public interfaceISimpleRectangularWebOpening Represents a simple rectangular web opening
Public interfaceISimpleSquareWebOpening Represents a simple square web opening
Public interfaceISimpleWebOpening Represents a simple web opening
Public interfaceISlab Represents a slab
Public interfaceISlabData Represents additional data of slab
Public interfaceISlabItem Represents a slab item
Public interfaceISlabItemData Represents additional data of a slab item
Public interfaceISlabItemEdge Represents an edge of a ISlabItem
Public interfaceISlabItemOverhangData Represents additional data of slab item if the slab item is overhang
Public interfaceISlabOpening Represents an opening in slab
Public interfaceISlabPatch Represents a slab patch
Public interfaceISlopedConstructionPlane Represents a sloped construction plane
Public interfaceISpanAlignment Represents member span alignment
Public interfaceISpanReleases Represents member span end releases
Public interfaceISquareWebOpening Represents a square web opening
Public interfaceISteelBeamSpanData Represents a data of a span of a steel beam
Public interfaceISteelColumnData Represents the data of a steel column
Public interfaceISteelColumnStackData Represents data of a stack of a steel column
Public interfaceIStrip Represents the data of an individual strip
Public interfaceIStructuralWall Represents a structural wall
Public interfaceIStructuralWallData Represents additional data of a structural wall
Public interfaceIStructuralWallPanel Represents a panel in IStructuralWall
Public interfaceIStructuralWallPanelData Represents data of panel in IStructuralWall
Public interfaceISubEntityCollection Represents collection of IModel sub-entities
Public interfaceISubModel Represents a sub-model
Public interfaceISubModels Represents sub-models
Public interfaceISupport Represents a support
Public interfaceIVerticalConstructionPlane Represents a frame
Public interfaceIWallOpening Represents a wall opening
Public interfaceIWebOpening Represents a web opening
Public interfaceIWestokCircularWebOpening Represents a circular Westok web opening
Public interfaceIWestokElongatedWebOpening Represents an elongated Westok web opening
Public interfaceIWestokWebOpening Represents a Westok web opening
Public interfaceIWindWall Represents a wind wall
Public enumerationConstructionHelperLineType Represents the line type of a construction helper
Public enumerationConstructionHelperType Represents type of construction helper
Public enumerationConstructionPointType Represents the type of a construction point
Public enumerationCurvedOption Represents curvature
Public enumerationDeckType Represents deck type of slab
Public enumerationDecompositionType Represents type of decomposition
Public enumerationDiaphragmOption Represents diaphragm option
Public enumerationElementGroupType Represents type of element group
Public enumerationEndPlateOverlapOption Represents an end plate overlap option
Public enumerationGridLineNameType Represents the type of a grid line name
Public enumerationHaunchCutType Represents a haunch cut type
Public enumerationHaunchDepthOption Represents a haunch depth option
Public enumerationHaunchFabrication Represents a haunch fabrication
Public enumerationHaunchSectionDerivation Represents a haunch section derivation
Public enumerationMemberConstruction Represents member construction
Public enumerationMemberFabrication Represents member fabrication
Public enumerationMemberType Represents the type of a IMember
Public enumerationMeshType Represents a mesh type
Public enumerationPlaneType Defines the types of planes (Horizontal and Sloped)
Public enumerationRoofType Represents type of roof
Public enumerationRotationOption Represents rotation option
Public enumerationSectionSnapLevel Represents section snap level
Public enumerationShearConnectionCondition Shear connection condition
Public enumerationSlabContourType Represents a slab contour type (is a flag enum!)
Public enumerationSlabSurface Represents a face of a slab
Public enumerationSlabType Represents type of slab
Public enumerationStructuralWallType Represents a type of IStructuralWall
Public enumerationToppingOption Represents types of topping
Public enumerationWallPanelAlignment Represents an alignment of IStructuralWallPanel
Public enumerationWallPanelReleaseType Represents a release type of IStructuralWallPanel
Public enumerationWebOpeningInfillType The type of infill in a Westok web opening
Public enumerationWebOpeningShape Represents the shape of a web opening
Public enumerationWebOpeningStiffening Represents the web opening stiffening
Public enumerationWestokElongatedWebOpeningStiffenerZoneType Represents the type of an elongated Westok web opening stiffener zone
Public enumerationWindDecompositionTarget Represents a wind decomposition target
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