Section |
The geometry of section
Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Sections
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
Member name | Value | Description |
Unknown | 0 | Unknown section geometry |
ISymmetric | 1 | I symmetric |
IAsymmetric | 2 | I asymmetric |
Channel | 3 | Channel |
RectangularOrSquareHollow | 4 | Rectangular or square hollow |
CircularHollow | 5 | Circular hollow |
Tee | 6 | Tee |
SingleAngleSymmetric | 7 | Single angle symmetric |
SingleAngleAsymmetric | 8 | Single angle asymmetric |
RectangularOrSquareBar | 9 | Rectangular or square bar |
DoubleAngleSymmetric | 10 | Double angle symmetric |
DoubleAngleAsymmetric | 11 | Double angle asymmetric |
IPlated | 12 | I plated |
RoundBar | 13 | Round bar |
ColdRolled | 14 | Cold rolled |
Westok | 15 | Westok |
ConcreteRectangular | 16 | Concrete rectangular |
ConcreteCircular | 17 | Concrete circular |
ConcreteLSection | 18 | Concrete L section |
ConcreteTSection | 19 | Concrete T section |
ConcreteCSection | 20 | Concrete C section |
ConcreteElbow | 21 | Concrete elbow |
ConcreteTrapezium | 22 | Concrete trapezium |
ConcreteISection | 23 | Concrete I section |
ConcreteParallelogram | 24 | Concrete parallelogram |
ConcretePolygon | 25 | Concrete polygon |
ConcreteLozenge | 26 | Concrete lozenge |
SteelJoist | 27 | Steel joist |
CompoundChannel | 28 | Compound channel |
IWithPlates | 29 | I with plates |
IPlatedWithPlates | 30 | I plated with plates |
IPlatedStar | 31 | I plated star |
DoubleI | 32 | Double I |
DoublePlated | 33 | Double plated |
DoubleAngleStar | 34 | Double angle star |
PlatedChannelF2F | 35 | Plated channel F2F |
PlatedChannelB2B | 36 | Plated channel B2B |
Box | 37 | Box |
IStar | 38 | I star |
IStarWithPlates | 39 | I star with plates |
DeltabeamDSeries | 40 | Deltabeam D series |
DeltabeamDrSeries | 41 | Deltabeam DR series |
See Also