Portal |
Returns a new PortalFrameParams instance defined for regular spacing
Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.PortalFrames.Create
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public static PortalFrameParams RegularSpacing( IConstructionPoint? startPoint, IConstructionPoint? endPoint, int numberOfSpans, PortalFrameSpanType portalFrameSpanType )
- startPoint IConstructionPoint
- The start IConstructionPoint
- endPoint IConstructionPoint
- The end IConstructionPoint
- numberOfSpans Int32
- The number of spans to create regularly between the given points
- portalFrameSpanType PortalFrameSpanType
- The type of a portal frame spans
Return Value
PortalFrameParamsA new PortalFrameParams instance defined for regular spacing
See Also