Quantity Enumeration |
Represents a type of physical quantity
Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Common
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
Member name | Value | Description |
Unknown | 0 | Unknown |
None | 1 | None |
Dimension | 2 | Dimension |
Distance | 3 | Distance |
FineDimension | 4 | Fine dimension |
Deflection | 5 | Deflection |
Area | 6 | Area |
Modulus | 7 | Modulus |
Inertia | 8 | Inertia |
Warping | 9 | Warping |
Mass | 10 | Mass |
Load | 11 | Load |
Force | 12 | Force |
Moment | 13 | Moment |
Stress | 14 | Stress |
Density | 15 | Density |
Frequency | 16 | Frequency |
Angle | 17 | Angle |
Percent | 18 | Percent |
Ratio | 19 | Ratio |
RadiusOfGyration | 20 | Radius of gyration |
YoungsModulus | 21 | Young's modulus |
ShearModulus | 22 | Shear modulus |
TorsionConstant | 23 | Torsion constant |
Level | 24 | Level |
Factor | 25 | Factor |
AreaLoad | 26 | Area load |
Velocity | 27 | Velocity |
Stiffness | 28 | Stiffness |
RotationStiffness | 29 | Rotation stiffness |
Temperature | 30 | Temperature |
SurfaceArea | 31 | Surface area |
SurfacePerLength | 32 | Surface per length |
Volume | 33 | Volume |
FineLoad | 34 | Fine load |
FineMoment | 35 | Fine moment |
AbsTemperature | 36 | Absolute temperature |
TemperatureCoefficient | 37 | Temperature coefficient |
WeightPerLength | 38 | Weight per length |
UnitWeight | 39 | Unit weight |
InertiaPerLength | 40 | Inertia per length |
Torsion | 41 | Torsion |
Period | 42 | Period |
Camber | 43 | Camber |
FloorArea | 44 | Floor area |
MassPerLength | 45 | Mass per length |
AreaPerLength | 46 | Area per length |
MassPerArea | 47 | Mass per area |
ForcePerLength | 48 | Force per length |
MomentPerLength | 49 | Moment per length |
MassForce | 50 | Mass force |
RotationalMass | 51 | Rotational mass |
ModeShape | 52 | Mode shape |
Tolerance | 53 | Tolerance |
AirDensity | 54 | Air density |
Strain | 55 | Strain |
CountPerLength | 56 | Count per length |
Acceleration | 57 | Acceleration |
ReinforcementMassPerLength | 58 | Reinforcement mass per length |
SeismicMass | 59 | Seismic mass |
VibrationDoseValue | 60 | Vibration dose value |
TemperatureChange | 61 | Temperature change |
AnalysisFrequency | 62 | Analysis frequency |
ConcreteStress | 63 | Concrete stress |
BearingPressure | 64 | Bearing pressure |
StiffnessPerArea | 65 | Stiffness per area |
SoilStiffness | 66 | Soil stiffness |
RotationPerLength | 67 | Rotation per length |
RotationPerLengthSquared | 68 | Rotation per length squared |
RotationPerLengthCubed | 69 | Rotation per length cubed |
WarpingStaticalMoment | 70 | Warping statical moment |
NormalizedWarpingFunction | 71 | Normalized warping function |
TimeOffset | 72 | Time offset |
Altitude | 73 | Altitude |
TensileRestraintFactor | 74 | Tensile restraint factor |
InverseYoungsModulus | 75 | Inverse Young's modulus |
FinePercent | 76 | Fine percent |
FineVelocity | 77 | Fine velocity |
ThermalConductivity | 78 | Thermal conductivity |
SpecificHeat | 79 | Specific heat |
HeatFlux | 80 | Heat flux |
StefanBoltzmannConstant | 81 | Stefan-Boltzmann constant |
ConvectiveHeatTransferCoefficient | 82 | Convective heat transfer coefficient |
VolumePerLength | 83 | Volume per length |
CarbonMassPerUnitMass | 84 | Carbon mass per unit mass |
CarbonMassPerUnitLength | 85 | Carbon mass per unit length |
CarbonMassPerUnitArea | 86 | Carbon mass per unit area |
CarbonMassPerUnitVolume | 87 | Carbon mass per unit volume |
FineCarbonMass | 88 | Fine carbon mass |
CarbonMass | 89 | Carbon mass |
FineAcceleration | 90 | Fine acceleration |
VibrationResponseFactor | 91 | Vibration response factor |
IntegralCount | 92 | A non-editable quantity for displaying Double values as integers (with zero decimal places) |
PercentOfGravityAcceleration | 93 | Percentage of gravity acceleration |
PercentOfGravityAccelerationPerForce | 94 | Percentage of gravity acceleration per force |
ModeShapeMassNormalized | 95 | Mode shape (mass normalized) |
See Also