Quantity Enumeration

Represents a type of physical quantity

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Common
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public enum Quantity
Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 Unknown
None1 None
Dimension2 Dimension
Distance3 Distance
FineDimension4 Fine dimension
Deflection5 Deflection
Area6 Area
Modulus7 Modulus
Inertia8 Inertia
Warping9 Warping
Mass10 Mass
Load11 Load
Force12 Force
Moment13 Moment
Stress14 Stress
Density15 Density
Frequency16 Frequency
Angle17 Angle
Percent18 Percent
Ratio19 Ratio
RadiusOfGyration20 Radius of gyration
YoungsModulus21 Young's modulus
ShearModulus22 Shear modulus
TorsionConstant23 Torsion constant
Level24 Level
Factor25 Factor
AreaLoad26 Area load
Velocity27 Velocity
Stiffness28 Stiffness
RotationStiffness29 Rotation stiffness
Temperature30 Temperature
SurfaceArea31 Surface area
SurfacePerLength32 Surface per length
Volume33 Volume
FineLoad34 Fine load
FineMoment35 Fine moment
AbsTemperature36 Absolute temperature
TemperatureCoefficient37 Temperature coefficient
WeightPerLength38 Weight per length
UnitWeight39 Unit weight
InertiaPerLength40 Inertia per length
Torsion41 Torsion
Period42 Period
Camber43 Camber
FloorArea44 Floor area
MassPerLength45 Mass per length
AreaPerLength46 Area per length
MassPerArea47 Mass per area
ForcePerLength48 Force per length
MomentPerLength49 Moment per length
MassForce50 Mass force
RotationalMass51 Rotational mass
ModeShape52 Mode shape
Tolerance53 Tolerance
AirDensity54 Air density
Strain55 Strain
CountPerLength56 Count per length
Acceleration57 Acceleration
ReinforcementMassPerLength58 Reinforcement mass per length
SeismicMass59 Seismic mass
VibrationDoseValue60 Vibration dose value
TemperatureChange61 Temperature change
AnalysisFrequency62 Analysis frequency
ConcreteStress63 Concrete stress
BearingPressure64 Bearing pressure
StiffnessPerArea65 Stiffness per area
SoilStiffness66 Soil stiffness
RotationPerLength67 Rotation per length
RotationPerLengthSquared68 Rotation per length squared
RotationPerLengthCubed69 Rotation per length cubed
WarpingStaticalMoment70 Warping statical moment
NormalizedWarpingFunction71 Normalized warping function
TimeOffset72 Time offset
Altitude73 Altitude
TensileRestraintFactor74 Tensile restraint factor
InverseYoungsModulus75 Inverse Young's modulus
FinePercent76 Fine percent
FineVelocity77 Fine velocity
ThermalConductivity78 Thermal conductivity
SpecificHeat79 Specific heat
HeatFlux80 Heat flux
StefanBoltzmannConstant81 Stefan-Boltzmann constant
ConvectiveHeatTransferCoefficient82 Convective heat transfer coefficient
VolumePerLength83 Volume per length
CarbonMassPerUnitMass84 Carbon mass per unit mass
CarbonMassPerUnitLength85 Carbon mass per unit length
CarbonMassPerUnitArea86 Carbon mass per unit area
CarbonMassPerUnitVolume87 Carbon mass per unit volume
FineCarbonMass88 Fine carbon mass
CarbonMass89 Carbon mass
FineAcceleration90 Fine acceleration
VibrationResponseFactor91 Vibration response factor
IntegralCount92 A non-editable quantity for displaying Double values as integers (with zero decimal places)
PercentOfGravityAcceleration93 Percentage of gravity acceleration
PercentOfGravityAccelerationPerForce94 Percentage of gravity acceleration per force
ModeShapeMassNormalized95 Mode shape (mass normalized)
See Also
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