ParallelogramGridParams Properties

The ParallelogramGridParams type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArchitecturalGrid Gets or sets the value indicating whether the grid is architectural
(Inherited from GridParams)
Public propertyAxisAngle Gets or sets the angle of an axis, AxisAngleRelativeTo [rad]
Public propertyAxisAngleRelativeTo Gets or sets the meaning of the AxisAngle
Public propertyColor Gets or sets the Color
(Inherited from GridParams)
Public propertyDirectionX Gets the X ParallelogramGridParamsDirectionExtents
Public propertyDirectionY Gets the Y ParallelogramGridParamsDirectionExtents
Public propertyEntityType The EntityType
(Inherited from EntityParams)
Public propertyLength Gets the length of grid lines if only one direction is created
Public propertyOrigin Gets or sets the origin of the grid
(Inherited from GridParams)
Public propertyPlanes Gets the construction planes this grid applies to
(Inherited from GridParams)
Public propertyRotation Gets or sets the rotation of the grid measured counterclockwise [rad]
Public propertyStyle Gets or sets the style of a grid line
(Inherited from GridParams)
See Also
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