ISlab |
The ISlabSequentialLoadingResults type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
GetAgeAdjustedTensileStrengthsAsync | Returns age adjusted tensile strengths of slab items | |
GetAppliedMomentsAsync | Returns applied moments for an event ID | |
GetCompositeModuliAsync | Returns composite moduli of slab items | |
GetCrackingMomentsAsync | Returns cracking moments for an event ID | |
GetCreepCoefficientsAsync | Gets creep coefficients of slab items | |
GetDistanceToEffectiveReinforcementAsync | Returns distance to effective reinforcement of 2D elements | |
GetEffectiveModuliAsync | Gets effective moduli of slab items | |
GetEffectiveReinforcementAsync | Returns effective reinforcement of 2D elements | |
GetEquivalentLoadFactorsAsync | Returns equivalent load factors of slab items | |
GetEventsAsync | Gets ordered collection of event IDs | |
GetExtentsOfCrackingAsync | Returns extents of cracking for an event ID | |
GetInstantaneousDeflectionsAsync | Returns instantaneous nodal displacements for an event ID | |
GetPercentagesOfOriginalStiffnessAsync | Returns percentages of original stiffness | |
GetPercentagesOfOriginalStiffnessStaticAsync | Returns static (not event based) percentages of original stiffness | |
GetTemperatureAdjustedAgesAsync | Returns temperature adjusted ages | |
GetTotalDeflectionsAsync | Returns total nodal displacements for an event ID |
See Also