ISlabReinforcement Interface

Represents slab reinforcement

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Reinforcement
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface ISlabReinforcement

The ISlabReinforcement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAreaPerLength Gets the area per unit length of the reinforcement (in [mm²/mm])
Public propertyBarDistance Gets the distance between individual bars (in [mm])
Public propertyBarDistanceInside Gets the distance between individual bars in the inside layer (in [mm])
Public propertyBarDistanceOutside Gets the distance between individual bars in the outside layer (in [mm])
Public propertyGeometryInside Gets the reinforcement geometry of the inner layer
Public propertyGeometryOutside Gets the reinforcement geometry of the outer layer
Public propertyHasBarSpacingByHollowCores Gets a value indicating whether the bar spacing is determined by spacing of hollow cores
Public propertyHasMainBarsInInnerLayer Gets a value indicating whether the main mesh bars are located in the inner layer
Public propertyHasMainMeshInXDirection Gets a value indicating whether the main mesh is in X direction
Public propertyHasOutsideLayerInXDirection Gets a value indicating whether the outside layer is in X direction
Public propertyHasReinforcementIn2Layers Gets a value indicating whether the reinforcement is set in two layers ('inside' and 'outside')
Public propertyHollowCoresBetweenBarsCount Gets the number of hollow cores between bars
Public propertyReinforcementType Gets the type of reinforcement
Public propertySizeInside Gets the reinforcement size in the inside layer
Public propertySizeOutside Gets the reinforcement size in the outside layer
Public propertyStrength Gets the reinforcement strength (in [N/mm²])
See Also
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