ISectionFactory Interface

Contains methods for obtaining sections

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Sections
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface ISectionFactory

The ISectionFactory type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetNonParametricSectionsAsync(HeadCode, SectionGroup, NullableInt32, CancellationToken) Returns a collection of non-parametric sections from given group
Public methodGetNonParametricSectionsAsync(HeadCode, Country, SystemType, MaterialType, SectionGeometry, SectionType, NullableInt32, CancellationToken) Returns a collection of non-parametric sections fulfilling given criteria
Public methodGetParametricCircularSectionAsync Returns a parametric circular section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricCSectionAsync Returns a parametric C section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricElbowSectionAsync Returns a parametric elbow section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricISectionAsync Returns a parametric I section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricLozengeSectionAsync Returns a parametric lozenge section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricLSectionAsync Returns a parametric L section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricParallelogramSectionAsync Returns a parametric parallelogram section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricPolygonSectionAsync Returns a parametric polygon section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricRectangularSectionAsync Returns a parametric rectangular section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricTrapeziumSectionAsync Returns a parametric trapezium section with given parameters
Public methodGetParametricTSectionAsync Returns a parametric T section with given parameters
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