IMetalGauge Properties

The IMetalGauge type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArea Gets the area per unit length ([mm²/mm])
Public propertyDepth Gets the total depth of the gauge (in [mm])
(Inherited from IGauge)
Public propertyInertia Gets the inertia per unit length ([mm⁴/mm])
Public propertyIntercept Gets the intercept (unitless)
Public propertyIsDefault Gets a value specifying whether this gauge is the default one for its profile
(Inherited from IGauge)
Public propertyName Gets the name of the gauge
(Inherited from IGauge)
Public propertySelfWeight Gets the self weight per unit area (in [N/mm²])
(Inherited from IGauge)
Public propertySize Gets the size of the gauge ([mm])
Public propertySlope Gets the slope (unitless)
Public propertyUserDefined Gets a value specifying whether the gauge is user-defined
(Inherited from IGauge)
See Also
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