IMemberLoad Interface

Represents a load on a member

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Loading
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface IMemberLoad : ILoad, 
	IEntity, IHaveId, IHaveIndex

The IMemberLoad type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDirection Gets the loading direction
Public propertyElementGroupName Gets the name of the element group
(Inherited from IEntity)
Public propertyEntityType Gets the type of the entity
(Inherited from IEntity)
Public propertyId Gets the ID
(Inherited from IHaveId)
Public propertyIndex Gets the index
(Inherited from IHaveIndex)
Public propertyMeasuring Gets the distance measuring option
Public propertyMemberId Gets the member ID
Public propertyMemberLoadType Gets the type of member loading
Public propertyProjection Gets the projection option
Public propertySource Gets the source type of the load
(Inherited from ILoad)
Public propertySpanId Gets the ID of the span this load applies to
Public propertyType Gets the type of the load
(Inherited from ILoad)
See Also
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