IConcreteColumnStackData Interface

Represents a data of a stack of a concrete column

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Structure
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface IConcreteColumnStackData : IMemberSpanData

The IConcreteColumnStackData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignment Gets the ISpanAlignment
(Inherited from IMemberSpanData)
Public propertyApplyRigidZones Gets a value indicating whether to apply rigid zones
Public propertyNominalCoverBeamTopEdge Gets the nominal cover on top edge (in [mm])
Public propertyProvideSupportRegions Gets a value indicating whether to provide support regions
Public propertyUseSlabForStiffnessCalculationEndMajor Gets a value indicating whether to use slab for stiffness calculation at end node in major direction
Public propertyUseSlabForStiffnessCalculationEndMinor Gets a value indicating whether to use slab for stiffness calculation at end node in minor direction
Public propertyUseSlabForStiffnessCalculationStartMajor Gets a value indicating whether to use slab for stiffness calculation at start node in major direction
Public propertyUseSlabForStiffnessCalculationStartMinor Gets a value indicating whether to use slab for stiffness calculation at start node in minor direction
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