IConcreteBeamAttributeSet Interface

Represents parameters required to create a concrete beam

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Structure.Create
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface IConcreteBeamAttributeSet : IMemberAttributeSetBase, 
	IAttributeSet, ICanBeUpdated, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, IHaveUserDefinedAttributes

The IConcreteBeamAttributeSet type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActive Gets a value indicating whether the member is active
Public propertyAlignment Gets the span alignment
Public propertyAllowanceForOpeningLeft Gets the allowance for opening left (in [mm])
Public propertyAllowanceForOpeningRight Gets the allowance for opening right (in [mm])
Public propertyAllowAutomaticJoinAtEnd Gets a value indicating whether the member joins automatically at end node
Public propertyAllowAutomaticJoinAtStart Gets a value indicating whether the member joins automatically at start node
Public propertyAutoAlign Gets a value indicating whether automatic alignment will be applied when the member is created in the model
Public propertyAutoDesign Gets a value indicating whether sections from the design section order will be considered during the design process
Public propertyAutoDesignOption Gets the auto-design option
Public propertyConcreteDensityClass Gets the concrete density class
Public propertyConcreteType Gets the concrete type
Public propertyConsiderFlanges Gets a value indicating whether to consider flanges
Public propertyConstruction Gets the member construction
Public propertyElementSection Gets the element section
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyEndReleases Gets the end span releases
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyFabrication Gets the member fabrication
Public propertyGravityOnly Gets a value indicating whether the beam is designed for gravity combinations only
Public propertyId Gets the ID of this set
(Inherited from IAttributeSet)
Public propertyIncludeFlangesInAnalysis Gets a value indicating whether the flanges are included in the analysis
Public propertyIncreaseReinforcementIfDeflectionCheckFails Gets a value indicating whether to increase the reinforcement if the deflection check fails
Public propertyIsolatedBeam Gets a value indicating whether the member is isolated
Public propertyMaterial Gets the material
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyMaterialType Gets the material type
Public propertyMemberType Gets the member type
Public propertyNominalCoverBeamBottomEdge Gets the nominal cover on bottom edge (in [mm])
Public propertyNominalCoverBeamEnds Gets the nominal cover on ends (in [mm])
Public propertyNominalCoverBeamTopEdge Gets the nominal cover on top edge (in [mm])
Public propertyNominalCoverSectionSide Gets the nominal cover on section side (in [mm])
Public propertyPermissibleIncreaseInReinforcement Gets the permissible increase in the reinforcement (in [mm])
Public propertyRotationAngle Gets the rotation angle (in [rad])
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyRotationOption Gets the rotation option
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyStartReleases Gets the start span releases
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase)
Public propertyStructureSupportingSensitiveFinishes Gets a value indicating the structure supporting sensitive finishes
Public propertyUserFlangeDepthLeft Gets the left flange depth if it has fixed dimensions (in [mm])
Public propertyUserFlangeDepthRight Gets the right flange depth if it has fixed dimensions (in [mm])
Public propertyUserFlangeLeft Gets a value indicating whether the left flange dimensions are fixed instead of being calculated from the neighbor distance and slab
Public propertyUserFlangeRight Gets a value indicating whether the right flange dimensions are fixed instead of being calculated from the neighbor distance and slab
Public propertyUserFlangeWidthLeft Gets the left flange width if it has fixed dimensions (in [mm])
Public propertyUserFlangeWidthRight Gets the right flange width if it has fixed dimensions (in [mm])
Public methodGetUserDefinedAttributesAsync Returns a collection of IUserDefinedAttribute instances
(Inherited from IHaveUserDefinedAttributes)
Public methodSetUserDefinedAttributeAsync Sets an user defined text attribute
(Inherited from IHaveUserDefinedAttributes)
Public methodSetUserDefinedAttributesAsync Sets user defined attributes
(Inherited from IHaveUserDefinedAttributes)
Public methodSetUserDefinedEmbeddedFileAttributeAsync Sets an user defined embedded file attribute
(Inherited from IHaveUserDefinedAttributes)
Public methodUpdateAsync Updates this object
(Inherited from ICanBeUpdated)
See Also
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