IAnalysis3DResults Methods

The IAnalysis3DResults type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetDriftCheckAsync Returns drift check for an entity
Public methodGetEndForcesAsync Returns end forces for a loading ID and a result type
Public methodGetMaximumMeshForcesAsync Returns the maximum mesh node forces for a loading ID
Public methodGetMinimumMeshForcesAsync Returns the minimum mesh node forces for a loading ID
Public methodGetNodalDisplacementsAsync Returns nodal displacements for a loading ID and a result type
Public methodGetNodalMeshForcesAsync Returns nodal mesh forces for a loading ID
Public methodGetNodalReactionsAsync Returns nodal reactions for a loading ID and a result type
Public methodGetNodalSlabForcesAsync Returns nodal slab forces for a loading ID and a result type
Public methodGetNodalWallForcesAsync Returns nodal wall forces for a loading ID and a result type
Public methodGetOffsetDisplacementsAsync Returns displacements at element offsets for a loading ID and a result type
Public methodGetOffsetForcesAsync Returns offset forces for a loading ID and a result type
Public methodGetResultLineForcesAsync Returns result line forces for a loading ID and a result type
Public methodGetSolvedLoadingIdsAsync Returns a collection of IDs of solved loading
Public methodGetWallLineForcesAsync Returns wall line forces for a loading ID and a result type
See Also
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