TSD.API.Remoting.Sections Namespace

This namespace contains interfaces related to various sections.
Public interfaceIAnalysisElementSection Represents an analysis element section
Public interfaceIAsymmetricBeamSection Represents an asymmetric beam section
Public interfaceIBoxSection Represents a box section
Public interfaceIChannel Represents a channel
Public interfaceICircularHollowSection Represents a circular hollow section
Public interfaceICircularSectionHole Represents a circular section hole
Public interfaceIColdRolledCSectionWithCurvedLip Represents a cold-rolled C section with a curved lip
Public interfaceIColdRolledCSectionWithLip Represents a cold-rolled C section with a lip
Public interfaceIColdRolledEavesBeamSection Represents cold-rolled eaves beam section
Public interfaceIColdRolledSection Represents a cold-rolled section
Public interfaceIColdRolledSectionBase Contains common properties for cold-rolled sections
Public interfaceICompoundChannel Represents a compound channel
Public interfaceICompoundSection Represents a compound section
Public interfaceICompoundSectionWithSource Represents a compound section which uses a source section
Public interfaceICompoundSectionWithTaperedSource Represents a compound section which uses a tapered source section
Public interfaceIConcreteFilledSection Represents a concrete-filled section
Public interfaceIDoubleAngleSection Represents a double angle section
Public interfaceIDoubleAngleStarSection Represents a double angle star section
Public interfaceIDoubleISection Represents a double I section
Public interfaceIDoubleISectionWithPlates Represents a double I section with plates
Public interfaceIDoublePlatedSection Represents a double plated section
Public interfaceIElementSection Represents an element section
Public interfaceIEncasedSection Represents an encased section
Public interfaceIFlatBar Represents a flat bar
Public interfaceIJoistCapacityData Contains capacity data for each design code variant (ASD, LRFD)
Public interfaceIJoistGirderSection Represents a joist girder section
Public interfaceILinearAxialSpringSection Represents a linear axial spring section
Public interfaceILinearTorsionalSpringSection Represents a linear torsional spring section
Public interfaceILinkElementSection Represents a section of a link element
Public interfaceIMemberSection Represents a member section
Public interfaceINonLinearAxialSpringSection Represents a non-linear axial spring section
Public interfaceINonLinearTorsionalSpringSection Represents a non-linear torsional spring section
Public interfaceINonParametricSection Contains common properties for non-parametric sections
Public interfaceIParametricCircularSection Represents a parametric circular section
Public interfaceIParametricCSection Represents a parametric C section
Public interfaceIParametricElbowSection Represents a parametric elbow section
Public interfaceIParametricISection Represents a parametric I section
Public interfaceIParametricLozengeSection Represents a parametric lozenge section
Public interfaceIParametricLSection Represents a parametric L section
Public interfaceIParametricParallelogramSection Represents a parametric parallelogram section
Public interfaceIParametricPolygonSection Represents a parametric polygon section
Public interfaceIParametricRectangularSection Represents a parametric rectangular section
Public interfaceIParametricSection Contains common properties for parametric sections
Public interfaceIParametricTrapeziumSection Represents a parametric trapezium section
Public interfaceIParametricTSection Represents a parametric T section
Public interfaceIPlatedBackToBackChannel Represents a plated back-to-back channel
Public interfaceIPlatedBackToBackChannelWithPlates Represents a channel in back-to-back arrangement with both horizontal and vertical plates
Public interfaceIPlatedFrontToFrontChannel Represents a plated front-to-front channel
Public interfaceIPlatedFrontToFrontChannelWithHorizontalPlates Represents a channel in front-to-front arrangement with horizontal plates
Public interfaceIPlatedFrontToFrontChannelWithVerticalPlates Represents a channel in front-to-front arrangement with vertical plates
Public interfaceIPlatedISection Represents a plated I section
Public interfaceIPlatedISectionWithPlates Represents a plated I section with plates
Public interfaceIPlatedIStarSection Represents a plated I star section
Public interfaceIRectangularHollowSection Represents a rectangular hollow section
Public interfaceIRectangularSectionHole Represents a rectangular section hole
Public interfaceIRod Represents a rod
Public interfaceIRolledISectionWithPlates Represents a rolled I section with plates
Public interfaceIRolledSteelJoist Represents a rolled steel joist
Public interfaceISection Represents a section
Public interfaceISectionFactory Contains methods for obtaining sections
Public interfaceISectionHole Contains common properties for section holes
Public interfaceISingleAngleSection Represents a single angle section
Public interfaceISlimflorFabricatedBeamSection Represents a section in Slimflor fabricated beams
Public interfaceISolverElementSection Represents a solver element section
Public interfaceISpringSection Represents a spring section
Public interfaceISquareHollowSection Represents a square hollow section
Public interfaceISteelJoist Represents a steel joist
Public interfaceISymmetricISection Represents a symmetric I section
Public interfaceITaperedISectionWithPlates Represents a tapered I section with plates
Public interfaceITee Represents a tee
Public interfaceITimberBeamSection Represents a timber beam section
Public interfaceIWallElementSection Represents a wall element section
Public interfaceIWestokCellularSection Represents a Westok cellular section
Public interfaceIWestokDesignData Represents the design data for a Westok beam
Public enumerationColdRolledType The type of cold rolled section
Public enumerationConcreteFabrication The concrete fabrication
Public enumerationExtendedSectionType The type of an extended section
Public enumerationInitialOrientation The initial orientation of a polygon section shape
Public enumerationJoistSeries The series of a joist
Public enumerationJoistType The type of joist
Public enumerationSectionGeometry The geometry of section
Public enumerationSectionGroup Represents a section group (i.e. database table the section is saved in)
Public enumerationSectionType The type of section
Public enumerationWestokBeamLocation Represents a location of a Westok beam
Public enumerationWestokBeamType Represents a type of a Westok beam
Public enumerationWestokDesignParameterState Represents a state of a Westok design parameter
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