TSD. |
This namespace contains interfaces related to various sections.
Interface | Description | |
IAnalysisElementSection | Represents an analysis element section | |
IAsymmetricBeamSection | Represents an asymmetric beam section | |
IBoxSection | Represents a box section | |
IChannel | Represents a channel | |
ICircularHollowSection | Represents a circular hollow section | |
ICircularSectionHole | Represents a circular section hole | |
IColdRolledCSectionWithCurvedLip | Represents a cold-rolled C section with a curved lip | |
IColdRolledCSectionWithLip | Represents a cold-rolled C section with a lip | |
IColdRolledEavesBeamSection | Represents cold-rolled eaves beam section | |
IColdRolledSection | Represents a cold-rolled section | |
IColdRolledSectionBase | Contains common properties for cold-rolled sections | |
ICompoundChannel | Represents a compound channel | |
ICompoundSection | Represents a compound section | |
ICompoundSectionWithSource | Represents a compound section which uses a source section | |
ICompoundSectionWithTaperedSource | Represents a compound section which uses a tapered source section | |
IConcreteFilledSection | Represents a concrete-filled section | |
IDoubleAngleSection | Represents a double angle section | |
IDoubleAngleStarSection | Represents a double angle star section | |
IDoubleISection | Represents a double I section | |
IDoubleISectionWithPlates | Represents a double I section with plates | |
IDoublePlatedSection | Represents a double plated section | |
IElementSection | Represents an element section | |
IEncasedSection | Represents an encased section | |
IFlatBar | Represents a flat bar | |
IJoistCapacityData | Contains capacity data for each design code variant (ASD, LRFD) | |
IJoistGirderSection | Represents a joist girder section | |
ILinearAxialSpringSection | Represents a linear axial spring section | |
ILinearTorsionalSpringSection | Represents a linear torsional spring section | |
ILinkElementSection | Represents a section of a link element | |
IMemberSection | Represents a member section | |
INonLinearAxialSpringSection | Represents a non-linear axial spring section | |
INonLinearTorsionalSpringSection | Represents a non-linear torsional spring section | |
INonParametricSection | Contains common properties for non-parametric sections | |
IParametricCircularSection | Represents a parametric circular section | |
IParametricCSection | Represents a parametric C section | |
IParametricElbowSection | Represents a parametric elbow section | |
IParametricISection | Represents a parametric I section | |
IParametricLozengeSection | Represents a parametric lozenge section | |
IParametricLSection | Represents a parametric L section | |
IParametricParallelogramSection | Represents a parametric parallelogram section | |
IParametricPolygonSection | Represents a parametric polygon section | |
IParametricRectangularSection | Represents a parametric rectangular section | |
IParametricSection | Contains common properties for parametric sections | |
IParametricTrapeziumSection | Represents a parametric trapezium section | |
IParametricTSection | Represents a parametric T section | |
IPlatedBackToBackChannel | Represents a plated back-to-back channel | |
IPlatedBackToBackChannelWithPlates | Represents a channel in back-to-back arrangement with both horizontal and vertical plates | |
IPlatedFrontToFrontChannel | Represents a plated front-to-front channel | |
IPlatedFrontToFrontChannelWithHorizontalPlates | Represents a channel in front-to-front arrangement with horizontal plates | |
IPlatedFrontToFrontChannelWithVerticalPlates | Represents a channel in front-to-front arrangement with vertical plates | |
IPlatedISection | Represents a plated I section | |
IPlatedISectionWithPlates | Represents a plated I section with plates | |
IPlatedIStarSection | Represents a plated I star section | |
IRectangularHollowSection | Represents a rectangular hollow section | |
IRectangularSectionHole | Represents a rectangular section hole | |
IRod | Represents a rod | |
IRolledISectionWithPlates | Represents a rolled I section with plates | |
IRolledSteelJoist | Represents a rolled steel joist | |
ISection | Represents a section | |
ISectionFactory | Contains methods for obtaining sections | |
ISectionHole | Contains common properties for section holes | |
ISingleAngleSection | Represents a single angle section | |
ISlimflorFabricatedBeamSection | Represents a section in Slimflor fabricated beams | |
ISolverElementSection | Represents a solver element section | |
ISpringSection | Represents a spring section | |
ISquareHollowSection | Represents a square hollow section | |
ISteelJoist | Represents a steel joist | |
ISymmetricISection | Represents a symmetric I section | |
ITaperedISectionWithPlates | Represents a tapered I section with plates | |
ITee | Represents a tee | |
ITimberBeamSection | Represents a timber beam section | |
IWallElementSection | Represents a wall element section | |
IWestokCellularSection | Represents a Westok cellular section | |
IWestokDesignData | Represents the design data for a Westok beam |
Enumeration | Description | |
ColdRolledType | The type of cold rolled section | |
ConcreteFabrication | The concrete fabrication | |
ExtendedSectionType | The type of an extended section | |
InitialOrientation | The initial orientation of a polygon section shape | |
JoistSeries | The series of a joist | |
JoistType | The type of joist | |
SectionGeometry | The geometry of section | |
SectionGroup | Represents a section group (i.e. database table the section is saved in) | |
SectionType | The type of section | |
WestokBeamLocation | Represents a location of a Westok beam | |
WestokBeamType | Represents a type of a Westok beam | |
WestokDesignParameterState | Represents a state of a Westok design parameter |