TSD. |
This namespace contains interfaces related to loadings.
Class | Description | |
LoadingValueOptions | Represents options of a loading value |
Interface | Description | |
IAustralianCombinationFactors | Represents combination factors specific to Australian head code | |
ICombination | Represents a combination of loadcases | |
IConstructionPlaneLoad | Represents a construction plane load | |
IDiaphragmLoad | Represents a diaphragm load | |
IDisplacement | Represents a displacements in 3D space | |
IEcCombinationFactors | Represents combination factors specific to EC head code | |
IEnvelope | Represents an envelope | |
IEquipmentLoad | Represents an equipment load | |
IForce3DGlobal | Represents forces in global coordinate system | |
IForce3DLocal | Represents forces at element point with respect to element local coordinate system | |
ILineAncillaryLoad | Represents a line ancillary load | |
ILoad | Represents a load | |
ILoadcase | Represents a loadcase | |
ILoadcaseFactors | Represents loadcase factors in a combination | |
ILoadingCase | Represents a common interface for ILoadcase, ICombination and IEnvelope | |
ILoadingValue | Represents a loading value | |
IMemberEccentricityMomentLoad | Represents an eccentricity moment load on a member | |
IMemberForceLoad | Represents a force load on a member | |
IMemberFullUniformlyDistributedLoad | Represents a full uniformly distributed load on a member | |
IMemberFullUniformlyDistributedTorsionMomentLoad | Represents a full uniformly distributed torsion moment load on a member | |
IMemberLoad | Represents a load on a member | |
IMemberLoading | Represents member loading | |
IMemberMomentLoad | Represents a moment load on a member | |
IMemberTrapezoidalLoad | Represents a trapezoidal load on a member | |
IMemberUniformlyDistributedLoad | Represents a uniformly distributed load on a member | |
IMemberUniformlyDistributedTorsionMomentLoad | Represents a uniformly distributed torsion moment load on a member | |
IMemberVariablyDistributedLoad | Represents a variably distributed load on a member | |
IMemberVariablyDistributedTorsionMomentLoad | Represents a variably distributed torsion moment load on a member | |
INodalLoad | Represents a nodal load | |
IPerimeterLoad | Represents a perimeter load | |
IPlanarAreaElementLoad | Represents common properties of area element based loads | |
IPlanarLoad | Represents common properties of planar loads | |
IPlanarLoadWithReference | Represents common properties of planar loads with reference IConstructionPoint | |
IPointLoad | Represents a point load | |
IPointOfInterest | Represents a point of interest | |
IPolygonalLoad | Represents common properties of polygonal loads | |
ISettlementLoad | Represents a settlement load | |
ISlabLoad | Represents a slab load | |
ISnowLoad | Represents a snow load | |
ISnowLoadDataBalanced | Represents load data of balanced snow load for US code | |
ISnowLoadDataBase | Represents common snow load data | |
ISnowLoadDataDrift | Represents load data of snow drift load for US code | |
ISnowLoadDataDriftedSingleSlope | Represents load data of drifted snow load on single sloped roof for EC code | |
ISnowLoadDataDriftedValley | Represents load data of drifted snow load on valley formed by a roof pair for EC code | |
ISnowLoadDataLocalDrift | Represents load data of snow local drift load for EC code | |
ISnowLoadDataMinimum | Represents load data of minimum snow load for US code | |
ISnowLoadDataRainOnSnow | Represents load data of rain on snow load for US code | |
ISnowLoadDataUnbalanced | Represents load data of unbalanced snow load on a roof for US code | |
ISnowLoadDataUnbalancedValley | Represents load data of unbalanced snow load on valley formed by a roof pair for US code | |
ISnowLoadDataUndrifted | Represents load data of undrifted snow load for EC code | |
ITemperatureLoad | Represents a temperature load | |
IUniformAreaElementLoad | Represents a uniform load on an area element | |
IUniformLineLoad | Represent a uniform line load | |
IUniformPolygonalLoad | Represents a uniform polygonal load | |
IUniformRectangularLoad | Represents a uniform rectangular load | |
IVariableAreaElementLoad | Represents a variable load on an area element | |
IVariablePolygonalLoad | Represents a variable polygonal load |
Enumeration | Description | |
AustralianLoadingCategory | Represents Australian Loading Category | |
CombinationClass | Represents the class of a combination | |
DistanceMeasuring | Represents measuring type | |
Ec3LoadingCategory | Represents EC3 Loading Category | |
EquipmentLoadApplyMode | Represents equipment load apply mode | |
FactoringType | Represents a factoring type | |
KAmplifierSource | Represents the source how k amplifier will be calculated | |
KAmplifierTarget | Represents the targets for k amplifier | |
LayerType | Represents the type of a reinforcement layer | |
LoadcaseGeneralType | Represents a type of loadcase | |
LoadcaseSpeciality | Represents loadcase speciality | |
LoadcaseType | Represents extended loadcase type | |
LoadDirection | Represents a direction of loading | |
LoadingCaseType | Represents loading case type | |
LoadingDirection | Represents loading direction | |
LoadingResultType | Represents type of loading results | |
LoadingValueLocation | Represents location of loading value towards its position (is a flag enum!) | |
LoadingValueType | Represents loading value type | |
LoadSourceType | Represents the type of load source | |
LoadType | Represents type of load | |
MemberLoadType | Represents type of member load | |
PointOfInterestType | Represents type of a point of interest | |
Projection | Represents a projection mode | |
RoofHeatCharacteristic | Represents a roof heat characteristic for snow loading in US code | |
SeismicCombinationValueType | Represents the type of seismic combination value | |
SnowDriftType | Represents a type of drift for snow loading in US code | |
SnowLoadDataType | Represents type of snow load data | |
SnowLocalDriftType | Represents a type of drift for snow loading in EC code | |
SnowRoofType | Represents a type of roof for snow loading |