Section |
Represents a section group (i.e. database table the section is saved in)
Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Sections
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
Member name | Value | Description |
Unknown | 0 | Unknown |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsDoubleRolledISections | 1 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Double Rolled I Sections |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsDoubleRolledISectionsWithPlates | 2 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Double Rolled I Sections with Plates |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledAnglesInStarArrangement | 3 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Angles in Star Arrangement |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsBackToBack | 4 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (back to back) |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsBackToBackWithPlates | 5 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (back to back) with Plates |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToe | 6 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithHorizontalPlates | 7 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Horizontal Plates |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithVerticalPlates | 8 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Vertical Plates |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithBottomPlate | 9 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Bottom Plate |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithPlates | 10 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Plates |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithTopPlate | 11 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Top Plate |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsInStarArrangement | 12 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists in Star Arrangement |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlates | 13 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists with Plates |
AusCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlatesInStarArrangement | 14 | AUS Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists with Plates in Star Arrangement |
AustralianColdRolledSectionsBluescopeLysaghtCSections | 15 | Australian Cold Rolled Sections: Bluescope Lysaght C Sections |
AustralianColdRolledSectionsBluescopeLysaghtEavesBeams | 16 | Australian Cold Rolled Sections: Bluescope Lysaght Eaves Beams |
AustralianColdRolledSectionsBluescopeLysaghtZSections | 17 | Australian Cold Rolled Sections: Bluescope Lysaght Z Sections |
AustralianHollowSteelSectionsCircularHollowSectionsC250 | 18 | Australian Hollow Steel Sections: Circular Hollow Sections C250 |
AustralianHollowSteelSectionsCircularHollowSectionsC350 | 19 | Australian Hollow Steel Sections: Circular Hollow Sections C350 |
AustralianHollowSteelSectionsRectangularHollowSectionsC350 | 20 | Australian Hollow Steel Sections: Rectangular Hollow Sections C350 |
AustralianHollowSteelSectionsRectangularHollowSectionsC450 | 21 | Australian Hollow Steel Sections: Rectangular Hollow Sections C450 |
AustralianHollowSteelSectionsSquareHollowSectionsC350 | 22 | Australian Hollow Steel Sections: Square Hollow Sections C350 |
AustralianHollowSteelSectionsSquareHollowSectionsC450 | 23 | Australian Hollow Steel Sections: Square Hollow Sections C450 |
AustralianSteelSections2EqualAnglesBackToBack | 24 | Australian Steel Sections: 2 Equal Angles (back to back) |
AustralianSteelSections2UnequalAnglesLongLegBackToBack | 25 | Australian Steel Sections: 2 Unequal Angles (long leg back to back) |
AustralianSteelSections2UnequalAnglesShortLegBackToBack | 26 | Australian Steel Sections: 2 Unequal Angles (short leg back to back) |
AustralianSteelSectionsEqualAngles | 27 | Australian Steel Sections: Equal Angles |
AustralianSteelSectionsFlatBars | 28 | Australian Steel Sections: Flat Bars |
AustralianSteelSectionsParallelFlangeChannels | 29 | Australian Steel Sections: Parallel Flange Channels |
AustralianSteelSectionsPlatedBeams | 30 | Australian Steel Sections: Plated Beams |
AustralianSteelSectionsPlatedColumns | 31 | Australian Steel Sections: Plated Columns |
AustralianSteelSectionsTaperFlangeChannels | 32 | Australian Steel Sections: Taper Flange Channels |
AustralianSteelSectionsTaperedFlangeBeams | 33 | Australian Steel Sections: Tapered Flange Beams |
AustralianSteelSectionsTeeFromUniversalBeams | 34 | Australian Steel Sections: Tee from Universal Beams |
AustralianSteelSectionsTeeFromUniversalColumns | 35 | Australian Steel Sections: Tee from Universal Columns |
AustralianSteelSectionsUnequalAngles | 36 | Australian Steel Sections: Unequal Angles |
AustralianSteelSectionsUniversalBeams | 37 | Australian Steel Sections: Universal Beams |
AustralianSteelSectionsUniversalColumns | 38 | Australian Steel Sections: Universal Columns |
AustralianSteelSectionsWeldedBeams | 39 | Australian Steel Sections: Welded Beams |
AustralianSteelSectionsWeldedColumns | 40 | Australian Steel Sections: Welded Columns |
AustralianSteelSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 41 | Australian Steel Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsSiMicrollamLvl20E | 42 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (SI): Microllam LVL 2.0E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsSiTimberStrandLsl13E | 43 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (SI): TimberStrand LSL 1.3E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsSiTimberStrandLsl155E | 44 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (SI): TimberStrand LSL 1.55E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsSiWestFraserLvl17E | 45 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (SI): West Fraser LVL 1.7E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsSiWestFraserLvl18E | 46 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (SI): West Fraser LVL 1.8E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsSiWestFraserLvl19E | 47 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (SI): West Fraser LVL 1.9E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsSiWestFraserLvl20E | 48 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (SI): West Fraser LVL 2.0E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsUsMicrollamLvl20E | 49 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (US): Microllam LVL 2.0E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsUsTimberStrandLsl13E | 50 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (US): TimberStrand LSL 1.3E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsUsTimberStrandLsl155E | 51 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (US): TimberStrand LSL 1.55E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsUsWestFraserLvl17E | 52 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (US): West Fraser LVL 1.7E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsUsWestFraserLvl18E | 53 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (US): West Fraser LVL 1.8E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsUsWestFraserLvl19E | 54 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (US): West Fraser LVL 1.9E |
CanadianSclTimberSectionsUsWestFraserLvl20E | 55 | Canadian SCL Timber Sections (US): West Fraser LVL 2.0E |
CanadianSteelSectionsAstmPipes | 56 | Canadian Steel Sections: ASTM Pipes |
CanadianSteelSectionsAngles | 57 | Canadian Steel Sections: Angles |
CanadianSteelSectionsChannels | 58 | Canadian Steel Sections: Channels |
CanadianSteelSectionsDoubleAnglesEqual | 59 | Canadian Steel Sections: Double Angles (Equal) |
CanadianSteelSectionsDoubleAnglesLongLegBackToBack | 60 | Canadian Steel Sections: Double Angles (Long leg back to back) |
CanadianSteelSectionsDoubleAnglesShortLegBackToBack | 61 | Canadian Steel Sections: Double Angles (Short leg back to back) |
CanadianSteelSectionsHp | 62 | Canadian Steel Sections: HP |
CanadianSteelSectionsM | 63 | Canadian Steel Sections: M |
CanadianSteelSectionsMiscChannels | 64 | Canadian Steel Sections: Misc Channels |
CanadianSteelSectionsPipes | 65 | Canadian Steel Sections: Pipes |
CanadianSteelSectionsPlatedBeams | 66 | Canadian Steel Sections: Plated Beams |
CanadianSteelSectionsPlatedColumns | 67 | Canadian Steel Sections: Plated Columns |
CanadianSteelSectionsRectangularAstmTubes | 68 | Canadian Steel Sections: Rectangular ASTM Tubes |
CanadianSteelSectionsRectangularTubes | 69 | Canadian Steel Sections: Rectangular Tubes |
CanadianSteelSectionsS | 70 | Canadian Steel Sections: S |
CanadianSteelSectionsSquareAstmTubes | 71 | Canadian Steel Sections: Square ASTM Tubes |
CanadianSteelSectionsSquareTubes | 72 | Canadian Steel Sections: Square Tubes |
CanadianSteelSectionsSuperLightBeams | 73 | Canadian Steel Sections: Super light beams |
CanadianSteelSectionsTeeFromWideFlangeShapes | 74 | Canadian Steel Sections: Tee from Wide flange shapes |
CanadianSteelSectionsW | 75 | Canadian Steel Sections: W |
CanadianSteelSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 76 | Canadian Steel Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
ChineseSteelSectionsChannelSections | 77 | Chinese Steel Sections: Channel Sections |
ChineseSteelSectionsEqualAngles | 78 | Chinese Steel Sections: Equal Angles |
ChineseSteelSectionsHSections | 79 | Chinese Steel Sections: H Sections |
ChineseSteelSectionsISections | 80 | Chinese Steel Sections: I Sections |
ChineseSteelSectionsJoistSections | 81 | Chinese Steel Sections: Joist Sections |
ChineseSteelSectionsPlatedBeams | 82 | Chinese Steel Sections: Plated Beams |
ChineseSteelSectionsPlatedColumns | 83 | Chinese Steel Sections: Plated Columns |
ChineseSteelSectionsRectangularHollowSections | 84 | Chinese Steel Sections: Rectangular Hollow Sections |
ChineseSteelSectionsSquareHollowSections | 85 | Chinese Steel Sections: Square Hollow Sections |
ChineseSteelSectionsUnequalAngles | 86 | Chinese Steel Sections: Unequal Angles |
ChineseSteelSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 87 | Chinese Steel Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsDoubleRolledISections | 88 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Double Rolled I Sections |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsDoubleRolledISectionsWithPlates | 89 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Double Rolled I Sections with Plates |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledAnglesInStarArrangement | 90 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Angles in Star Arrangement |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsBackToBack | 91 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (back to back) |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsBackToBackWithPlates | 92 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (back to back) with Plates |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToe | 93 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithHorizontalPlates | 94 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Horizontal Plates |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithVerticalPlates | 95 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Vertical Plates |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithBottomPlate | 96 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Bottom Plate |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithPlates | 97 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Plates |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithTopPlate | 98 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Top Plate |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsInStarArrangement | 99 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists in Star Arrangement |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlates | 100 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists with Plates |
EcCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlatesInStarArrangement | 101 | EC Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists with Plates in Star Arrangement |
EuropeanSteelSectionsDeltabeamDrSeries | 102 | European Steel Sections: DELTABEAM DR Series |
EuropeanSteelSectionsDeltabeamDSeries | 103 | European Steel Sections: DELTABEAM D Series |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropean2EqualAnglesBackToBack | 104 | European Steel Sections: European 2 Equal Angles (back to back) |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropean2UnequalAnglesLongLegBackToBack | 105 | European Steel Sections: European 2 Unequal Angles (long leg back to back) |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropean2UnequalAnglesShortLegBackToBack | 106 | European Steel Sections: European 2 Unequal Angles (short leg back to back) |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropeanCircularHollowSections | 107 | European Steel Sections: European Circular Hollow Sections |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropeanEqualAngles | 108 | European Steel Sections: European Equal Angles |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropeanParallelFlangeChannels | 109 | European Steel Sections: European Parallel Flange Channels |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropeanRectangularHollowSections | 110 | European Steel Sections: European Rectangular Hollow Sections |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropeanSquareHollowSections | 111 | European Steel Sections: European Square Hollow Sections |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropeanStandardBeams | 112 | European Steel Sections: European Standard Beams |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropeanStandardChannels | 113 | European Steel Sections: European Standard Channels |
EuropeanSteelSectionsEuropeanUnequalAngles | 114 | European Steel Sections: European Unequal Angles |
EuropeanSteelSectionsFabsecPlatedBeams | 115 | European Steel Sections: Fabsec Plated Beams |
EuropeanSteelSectionsParallelFacedFlangeBeams | 116 | European Steel Sections: Parallel Faced Flange Beams |
EuropeanSteelSectionsPlatedBeams | 117 | European Steel Sections: Plated Beams |
EuropeanSteelSectionsPlatedColumns | 118 | European Steel Sections: Plated Columns |
EuropeanSteelSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 119 | European Steel Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
EuropeanSteelSectionsWestokPlatedBeams | 120 | European Steel Sections: Westok Plated Beams |
EuropeanSteelSectionsWideFlangedColumns | 121 | European Steel Sections: Wide Flanged Columns |
EuropeanSteelSectionsWideVeryWideFlangedBeams | 122 | European Steel Sections: Wide/Very Wide Flanged Beams |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiAstmChannelsUsSections | 123 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai ASTM Channels (US Sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiAstmHpUsSections | 124 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai ASTM HP (US sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiAstmUsSections | 125 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai ASTM (US sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiChannelsEuropeanSections | 126 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai Channels (European sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiChannelsKoreanAndJapaneseSections | 127 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai Channels (Korean and Japanese sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiEqualAnglesEuropeanSections | 128 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai Equal Angles (European sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiEqualAnglesKoreanAndJapaneseSections | 129 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai Equal Angles (Korean and Japanese sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiHdEuropeanSections | 130 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai HD (European sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiHeEuropeanSections | 131 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai HE (European sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiHpEuropeanSections | 132 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai HP (European sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiHpKoreanSections | 133 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai HP (Korean sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiIpeEuropeanSections | 134 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai IPE (European sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiIBeamsKoreanSections | 135 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai I-Beams (Korean sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiJuniorBeamsKoreanSections | 136 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai Junior Beams (Korean sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiMJapanese9408Sections | 137 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai M (Japanese '94, '08 sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiMKoreanJapanese90Sections | 138 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai M (Korean, Japanese '90 sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiParallelFlangeChannelsKoreanBsAndAsNzsSections | 139 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai Parallel Flange Channels (Korean, BS and AS/NZS sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiUbpBsSections | 140 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai UBP (BS sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiUbAsNzsSections | 141 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai UB (AS/NZS sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiUbBsSections | 142 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai UB (BS sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiUcAsNzsSections | 143 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai UC (AS/NZS sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiUcBsSections | 144 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai UC (BS sections) |
HyundaiSteelSectionsHyundaiUnequalAnglesKoreanAndJapaneseSections | 145 | Hyundai Steel Sections: Hyundai Unequal Angles (Korean and Japanese sections) |
InCompoundSteelSectionsDoubleRolledISections | 146 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Double Rolled I Sections |
InCompoundSteelSectionsDoubleRolledISectionsWithPlates | 147 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Double Rolled I Sections with Plates |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledAnglesInStarArrangement | 148 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Angles in Star Arrangement |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsBackToBack | 149 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (back to back) |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsBackToBackWithPlates | 150 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (back to back) with Plates |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToe | 151 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithHorizontalPlates | 152 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Horizontal Plates |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithVerticalPlates | 153 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Vertical Plates |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithBottomPlate | 154 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Bottom Plate |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithPlates | 155 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Plates |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithTopPlate | 156 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Top Plate |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsInStarArrangement | 157 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists in Star Arrangement |
InCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlatesInStarArrangement | 158 | IN Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists with Plates in Star Arrangement |
IndianStructuralSections2EqualAnglesBackToBack | 159 | Indian Structural Sections: 2 Equal Angles (back to back) |
IndianStructuralSections2UnequalAnglesLongLegBackToBack | 160 | Indian Structural Sections: 2 Unequal Angles (long leg back to back) |
IndianStructuralSections2UnequalAnglesShortLegBackToBack | 161 | Indian Structural Sections: 2 Unequal Angles (short leg back to back) |
IndianStructuralSectionsCircularHollowSections | 162 | Indian Structural Sections: Circular Hollow Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsEqualAngles | 163 | Indian Structural Sections: Equal Angles |
IndianStructuralSectionsIscBackToBack | 164 | Indian Structural Sections: ISC (back to back) |
IndianStructuralSectionsIscFaceToFace | 165 | Indian Structural Sections: ISC (face to face) |
IndianStructuralSectionsIshbSections | 166 | Indian Structural Sections: ISHB Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsIsjbSections | 167 | Indian Structural Sections: ISJB Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsIsjcSections | 168 | Indian Structural Sections: ISJC Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsIslbSections | 169 | Indian Structural Sections: ISLB Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsIslcSections | 170 | Indian Structural Sections: ISLC Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsIsmbSections | 171 | Indian Structural Sections: ISMB Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsIsmbAndIswbSectionsWithTopAndBottomFlangePlates | 172 | Indian Structural Sections: ISMB and ISWB Sections with top and bottom flange plates |
IndianStructuralSectionsIsmcpParallel | 173 | Indian Structural Sections: ISMCP (Parallel) |
IndianStructuralSectionsIsmcSections | 174 | Indian Structural Sections: ISMC Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsIsscSections | 175 | Indian Structural Sections: ISSC Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsIsTeeBar | 176 | Indian Structural Sections: IS Tee Bar |
IndianStructuralSectionsIswbSections | 177 | Indian Structural Sections: ISWB Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsPlatedBeams | 178 | Indian Structural Sections: Plated Beams |
IndianStructuralSectionsPlatedColumns | 179 | Indian Structural Sections: Plated Columns |
IndianStructuralSectionsRectangularHollowSections | 180 | Indian Structural Sections: Rectangular Hollow Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsSquareHollowSections | 181 | Indian Structural Sections: Square Hollow Sections |
IndianStructuralSectionsUnequalAngles | 182 | Indian Structural Sections: Unequal Angles |
IndianStructuralSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 183 | Indian Structural Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
JapaneseSteelSectionsCircularHollowSections | 184 | Japanese Steel Sections: Circular Hollow Sections |
JapaneseSteelSectionsEqualAngles | 185 | Japanese Steel Sections: Equal Angles |
JapaneseSteelSectionsPlatedBeams | 186 | Japanese Steel Sections: Plated Beams |
JapaneseSteelSectionsPlatedColumns | 187 | Japanese Steel Sections: Plated Columns |
JapaneseSteelSectionsRectangularHollowSections | 188 | Japanese Steel Sections: Rectangular Hollow Sections |
JapaneseSteelSectionsRolledSteelChannels | 189 | Japanese Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Channels |
JapaneseSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoists | 190 | Japanese Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists |
JapaneseSteelSectionsSquareHollowSections | 191 | Japanese Steel Sections: Square Hollow Sections |
JapaneseSteelSectionsUnequalAngles | 192 | Japanese Steel Sections: Unequal Angles |
JapaneseSteelSectionsUniversalBeams | 193 | Japanese Steel Sections: Universal Beams |
JapaneseSteelSectionsUniversalColumns | 194 | Japanese Steel Sections: Universal Columns |
JapaneseSteelSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 195 | Japanese Steel Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanChannelSections | 196 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean Channel Sections |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanCircularHollowSections | 197 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean Circular Hollow Sections |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanEqualAngles | 198 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean Equal Angles |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanHSections | 199 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean H Sections |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanISections | 200 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean I Sections |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanLhSections | 201 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean LH Sections |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanSquareAndRectangularHollowSections | 202 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean Square and Rectangular Hollow Sections |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanTSections | 203 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean T Sections |
KoreanSteelSectionsKoreanUnequalAngles | 204 | Korean Steel Sections: Korean Unequal Angles |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponAstmUsSections | 205 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon ASTM (US sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponHc400Nstwh | 206 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon HC400/NSTWH |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponHeEuropeanSections | 207 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon HE (European sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponIpeEuropeanSections | 208 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon IPE (European sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponKsKoreanSections | 209 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon KS (Korean sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponNsHyperBeam | 210 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon NSHYPER Beam |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponUbAsNzsSections | 211 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon UB (AS/NZS sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponUbBsSections | 212 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon UB (BS sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponUbJisSections | 213 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon UB (JIS sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponUcAsNzsSections | 214 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon UC (AS/NZS sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponUcBsSections | 215 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon UC (BS sections) |
NipponAndSumitomoSteelSectionsNipponUcJisSections | 216 | Nippon and Sumitomo Steel Sections: Nippon UC (JIS sections) |
NonUsGlulamAndSclTimberSectionsGlulam | 217 | Non-US Glulam And SCL Timber Sections: Glulam |
NonUsGlulamAndSclTimberSectionsKertoSLvl | 218 | Non-US Glulam And SCL Timber Sections: Kerto-S LVL |
NonUsGlulamAndSclTimberSectionsParallamPsl20E | 219 | Non-US Glulam And SCL Timber Sections: Parallam PSL 2.0E |
NonUsGlulamAndSclTimberSectionsTimberStrandLsl13E | 220 | Non-US Glulam And SCL Timber Sections: TimberStrand LSL 1.3E |
NonUsGlulamAndSclTimberSectionsTimberStrandLsl15E | 221 | Non-US Glulam And SCL Timber Sections: TimberStrand LSL 1.5E |
NonUsGlulamAndSclTimberSectionsVersaLamLvl | 222 | Non-US Glulam And SCL Timber Sections: Versa-Lam LVL |
NordicColdFormedSectionsColdFormedChs | 223 | Nordic Cold Formed Sections: Cold Formed CHS |
NordicColdFormedSectionsColdFormedRhs | 224 | Nordic Cold Formed Sections: Cold Formed RHS |
NordicColdFormedSectionsColdFormedShs | 225 | Nordic Cold Formed Sections: Cold Formed SHS |
PerwajaSteelSectionsASectionsPerwaja | 226 | Perwaja Steel Sections: A Sections (Perwaja) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsBarsContinental | 227 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Bars (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsCSectionsPerwaja | 228 | Perwaja Steel Sections: C Sections (Perwaja) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsCircularHollowSectionsContinental | 229 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Circular Hollow Sections (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsEqualAnglesContinental | 230 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Equal Angles (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsFlatBarsContinental | 231 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Flat Bars (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsHSectionsPerwaja | 232 | Perwaja Steel Sections: H Sections (Perwaja) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsISectionsPerwaja | 233 | Perwaja Steel Sections: I Sections (Perwaja) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsPlatedBeams | 234 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Plated Beams |
PerwajaSteelSectionsPlatedColumns | 235 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Plated Columns |
PerwajaSteelSectionsRectangularHollowSectionsContinental | 236 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Rectangular Hollow Sections (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsRodsContinental | 237 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Rods (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsRolledSteelChannelsContinental | 238 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Channels (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsRolledSteelChannelsParallelContinental | 239 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Channels (Parallel) (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsSquareHollowSectionsContinental | 240 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Square Hollow Sections (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsStructuralTeeFromImperialUbContinental | 241 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Structural Tee from Imperial UB (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsStructuralTeeFromImperialUcContinental | 242 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Structural Tee from Imperial UC (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsStructuralTeeFromMetricUbContinental | 243 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Structural Tee from Metric UB (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsStructuralTeeFromMetricUcContinental | 244 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Structural Tee from Metric UC (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsUbSectionsContinental | 245 | Perwaja Steel Sections: UB Sections (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsUcSectionsContinental | 246 | Perwaja Steel Sections: UC Sections (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsUnequalAnglesContinental | 247 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Unequal Angles (Continental) |
PerwajaSteelSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 248 | Perwaja Steel Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
SailIndiaStructuralSectionsEqualAnglesSail | 249 | SAIL (India) Structural Sections: Equal Angles (SAIL) |
SailIndiaStructuralSectionsEuropeanChannelsSail | 250 | SAIL (India) Structural Sections: European Channels (SAIL) |
SailIndiaStructuralSectionsMediumBeamsSail | 251 | SAIL (India) Structural Sections: Medium Beams (SAIL) |
SailIndiaStructuralSectionsMediumChannelsSail | 252 | SAIL (India) Structural Sections: Medium Channels (SAIL) |
SailIndiaStructuralSectionsNarrowFlangeParallelBeamsSail | 253 | SAIL (India) Structural Sections: Narrow Flange Parallel Beams (SAIL) |
SailIndiaStructuralSectionsWBeamsSail | 254 | SAIL (India) Structural Sections: W Beams (SAIL) |
SailIndiaStructuralSectionsWideFlangeParallelBeamsSail | 255 | SAIL (India) Structural Sections: Wide Flange Parallel Beams (SAIL) |
SouthAfricanSteelSections2EqualAnglesBackToBack | 256 | South African Steel Sections: 2 Equal Angles (back to back) |
SouthAfricanSteelSections2UnequalAnglesLongLegBackToBack | 257 | South African Steel Sections: 2 Unequal Angles (long leg back to back) |
SouthAfricanSteelSections2UnequalAnglesShortLegBackToBack | 258 | South African Steel Sections: 2 Unequal Angles (short leg back to back) |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsChannelsParallelFlange | 259 | South African Steel Sections: Channels (Parallel flange) |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsChannelsTaperFlange | 260 | South African Steel Sections: Channels (Taper flange) |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsCircularHollowSections | 261 | South African Steel Sections: Circular Hollow Sections |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsEqualAngles | 262 | South African Steel Sections: Equal Angles |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsParallelFlangeBeams | 263 | South African Steel Sections: Parallel Flange Beams |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsPlatedBeams | 264 | South African Steel Sections: Plated Beams |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsPlatedColumns | 265 | South African Steel Sections: Plated Columns |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsRectangularHollowSections | 266 | South African Steel Sections: Rectangular Hollow Sections |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsSquareHollowSections | 267 | South African Steel Sections: Square Hollow Sections |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsUnequalAngles | 268 | South African Steel Sections: Unequal Angles |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsUniversalBeams | 269 | South African Steel Sections: Universal Beams |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsUniversalColumns | 270 | South African Steel Sections: Universal Columns |
SouthAfricanSteelSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 271 | South African Steel Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
SpanishColdRolledSectionsBrausaSigmaSections | 272 | Spanish Cold Rolled Sections: Brausa Sigma Sections |
SpanishColdRolledSectionsCorreasAchcSections | 273 | Spanish Cold Rolled Sections: Correas ACH C Sections |
SpanishColdRolledSectionsCorreasAchzSections | 274 | Spanish Cold Rolled Sections: Correas ACH Z Sections |
SteelJoistsDlhSeriesJoists | 275 | Steel Joists: DLH Series Joists |
SteelJoistsKcsSeriesJoists | 276 | Steel Joists: KCS Series Joists |
SteelJoistsKSeriesJoistsAngle | 277 | Steel Joists: K Series Joists (angle) |
SteelJoistsKSeriesJoistsRod | 278 | Steel Joists: K Series Joists (rod) |
SteelJoistsLhSeriesJoists | 279 | Steel Joists: LH Series Joists |
SteelJoistsSiDlhSeriesJoists | 280 | Steel Joists (SI): DLH Series Joists |
SteelJoistsSiKcsSeriesJoists | 281 | Steel Joists (SI): KCS Series Joists |
SteelJoistsSiKSeriesJoistsAngle | 282 | Steel Joists (SI): K Series Joists (angle) |
SteelJoistsSiKSeriesJoistsRod | 283 | Steel Joists (SI): K Series Joists (rod) |
SteelJoistsSiLhSeriesJoists | 284 | Steel Joists (SI): LH Series Joists |
TaiwanSteelSectionsBhSections | 285 | Taiwan Steel Sections: BH Sections |
TaiwanSteelSectionsChannels | 286 | Taiwan Steel Sections: Channels |
TaiwanSteelSectionsDlEqualLegged | 287 | Taiwan Steel Sections: DL (Equal-Legged) |
TaiwanSteelSectionsDlUnequalLeggedLongSideConnected | 288 | Taiwan Steel Sections: DL (Unequal-Legged) (Long-side connected) |
TaiwanSteelSectionsDlUnequalLeggedShortSideConnected | 289 | Taiwan Steel Sections: DL (Unequal-Legged) (Short-side connected) |
TaiwanSteelSectionsEqualLegged | 290 | Taiwan Steel Sections: Equal-Legged |
TaiwanSteelSectionsISections | 291 | Taiwan Steel Sections: I Sections |
TaiwanSteelSectionsParallelFlangedChannels | 292 | Taiwan Steel Sections: Parallel Flanged Channels |
TaiwanSteelSectionsPipeCircular | 293 | Taiwan Steel Sections: Pipe (circular) |
TaiwanSteelSectionsRhSections | 294 | Taiwan Steel Sections: RH Sections |
TaiwanSteelSectionsStructuralTees | 295 | Taiwan Steel Sections: Structural Tees |
TaiwanSteelSectionsTubeRectangular | 296 | Taiwan Steel Sections: Tube (rectangular) |
TaiwanSteelSectionsTubeSquare | 297 | Taiwan Steel Sections: Tube (square) |
TaiwanSteelSectionsUnequalLegged | 298 | Taiwan Steel Sections: Unequal-Legged |
ThailandSteelSectionsCellularBeams | 299 | Thailand Steel Sections: Cellular Beams |
ThailandSteelSectionsChannels | 300 | Thailand Steel Sections: Channels |
ThailandSteelSectionsEqualAngles | 301 | Thailand Steel Sections: Equal Angles |
ThailandSteelSectionsHSections | 302 | Thailand Steel Sections: H Sections |
ThailandSteelSectionsISections | 303 | Thailand Steel Sections: I Sections |
ThailandSteelSectionsPipeSections | 304 | Thailand Steel Sections: Pipe Sections |
ThailandSteelSectionsRectangularTubes | 305 | Thailand Steel Sections: Rectangular Tubes |
ThailandSteelSectionsSquareTubes | 306 | Thailand Steel Sections: Square Tubes |
UkColdFormedSectionsColdFormedChs | 307 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Cold Formed CHS |
UkColdFormedSectionsColdFormedRhs | 308 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Cold Formed RHS |
UkColdFormedSectionsColdFormedShs | 309 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Cold Formed SHS |
UkColdFormedSectionsHybox355Chs | 310 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Hybox 355 CHS |
UkColdFormedSectionsHybox355Rhs | 311 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Hybox 355 RHS |
UkColdFormedSectionsHybox355Shs | 312 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Hybox 355 SHS |
UkColdFormedSectionsStrongbox235Chs | 313 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Strongbox 235 CHS |
UkColdFormedSectionsStrongbox235Rhs | 314 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Strongbox 235 RHS |
UkColdFormedSectionsStrongbox235Shs | 315 | UK Cold Formed Sections: Strongbox 235 SHS |
UkColdRolledSectionsAlbionCSections | 316 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Albion C Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsAlbionEavesBeams | 317 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Albion Eaves Beams |
UkColdRolledSectionsAlbionSigmaSections | 318 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Albion Sigma Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsAlbionZSections | 319 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Albion Z Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsAyrshireCSections | 320 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Ayrshire C Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsAyrshireEavesBeams | 321 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Ayrshire Eaves Beams |
UkColdRolledSectionsAyrshireSteelFramingCSections | 322 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Ayrshire Steel Framing - C Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsAyrshireSwageBeam | 323 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Ayrshire SwageBeam |
UkColdRolledSectionsAyrshireZSections | 324 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Ayrshire Z Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsAyrshireZeta2Sections | 325 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Ayrshire Zeta2 Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsAyrshireZetaSections | 326 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Ayrshire Zeta Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsHiSpanCSections | 327 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Hi-Span C Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsHiSpanEavesBeams | 328 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Hi-Span Eaves Beams |
UkColdRolledSectionsHiSpanZSections | 329 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Hi-Span Z Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsKingspanEavesBeams | 330 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Kingspan Eaves Beams |
UkColdRolledSectionsKingspanMultiBeamSections | 331 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Kingspan MultiBeam Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsKingspanMultiChannelSections | 332 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Kingspan MultiChannel Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsMetsecCSections | 333 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Metsec C Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsMetsecEavesBeams | 334 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Metsec Eaves Beams |
UkColdRolledSectionsMetsecZSections | 335 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Metsec Z Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsSteadmansCSections | 336 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Steadmans C Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsSteadmansEavesBeams | 337 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Steadmans Eaves Beams |
UkColdRolledSectionsSteadmansZSections | 338 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Steadmans Z Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsStructuralSectionsEavesBeams | 339 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Structural Sections Eaves Beams |
UkColdRolledSectionsStructuralSectionsUltraBeamSections | 340 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Structural Sections UltraBeam Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsStructuralSectionsUltraZedSections | 341 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Structural Sections UltraZed Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsTegralCSections | 342 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Tegral C Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsTegralEavesBeams | 343 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Tegral Eaves Beams |
UkColdRolledSectionsTegralZSections | 344 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Tegral Z Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsTegralZeta2Sections | 345 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Tegral Zeta2 Sections |
UkColdRolledSectionsTegralZetaSections | 346 | UK Cold Rolled Sections: Tegral Zeta Sections |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsDoubleRolledISections | 347 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Double Rolled I Sections |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsDoubleRolledISectionsWithPlates | 348 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Double Rolled I Sections with Plates |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledAnglesInStarArrangement | 349 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Angles in Star Arrangement |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsBackToBack | 350 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (back to back) |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsBackToBackWithPlates | 351 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (back to back) with Plates |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToe | 352 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithHorizontalPlates | 353 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Horizontal Plates |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithVerticalPlates | 354 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Vertical Plates |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithBottomPlate | 355 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Bottom Plate |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithPlates | 356 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Plates |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledISectionsWithTopPlate | 357 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled I Sections with Top Plate |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsInStarArrangement | 358 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists in Star Arrangement |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlates | 359 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists with Plates |
UkCompoundSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlatesInStarArrangement | 360 | UK Compound Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists with Plates in Star Arrangement |
UkSteelSections2EqualAnglesBackToBack | 361 | UK Steel Sections: 2 Equal Angles (back to back) |
UkSteelSections2UnequalAnglesLongLegBackToBack | 362 | UK Steel Sections: 2 Unequal Angles (long leg back to back) |
UkSteelSections2UnequalAnglesShortLegBackToBack | 363 | UK Steel Sections: 2 Unequal Angles (short leg back to back) |
UkSteelSectionsAdvanceUkb | 364 | UK Steel Sections: Advance UKB |
UkSteelSectionsAdvanceUkc | 365 | UK Steel Sections: Advance UKC |
UkSteelSectionsAdvanceUkpfc | 366 | UK Steel Sections: Advance UKPFC |
UkSteelSectionsAsymmetricBeams | 367 | UK Steel Sections: Asymmetric Beams |
UkSteelSectionsCircularHollowSections | 368 | UK Steel Sections: Circular Hollow Sections |
UkSteelSectionsEqualAngles | 369 | UK Steel Sections: Equal Angles |
UkSteelSectionsFabsecPlatedBeams | 370 | UK Steel Sections: Fabsec Plated Beams |
UkSteelSectionsFlatBars | 371 | UK Steel Sections: Flat Bars |
UkSteelSectionsPlatedBeams | 372 | UK Steel Sections: Plated Beams |
UkSteelSectionsPlatedColumns | 373 | UK Steel Sections: Plated Columns |
UkSteelSectionsRectangularHollowSections | 374 | UK Steel Sections: Rectangular Hollow Sections |
UkSteelSectionsRolledSteelChannels | 375 | UK Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Channels |
UkSteelSectionsRolledSteelChannelsParallel | 376 | UK Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Channels (Parallel) |
UkSteelSectionsRolledSteelJoists | 377 | UK Steel Sections: Rolled Steel Joists |
UkSteelSectionsSlimflorFabricatedBeams | 378 | UK Steel Sections: Slimflor Fabricated Beams |
UkSteelSectionsSquareHollowSections | 379 | UK Steel Sections: Square Hollow Sections |
UkSteelSectionsStructuralTeeFromUb | 380 | UK Steel Sections: Structural Tee from UB |
UkSteelSectionsStructuralTeeFromUc | 381 | UK Steel Sections: Structural Tee from UC |
UkSteelSectionsUnequalAngles | 382 | UK Steel Sections: Unequal Angles |
UkSteelSectionsUniversalBeams | 383 | UK Steel Sections: Universal Beams |
UkSteelSectionsUniversalColumns | 384 | UK Steel Sections: Universal Columns |
UkSteelSectionsWestokCellularBeams | 385 | UK Steel Sections: Westok Cellular Beams |
UkSteelSectionsWestokPlatedBeams | 386 | UK Steel Sections: Westok Plated Beams |
UkTimberSectionsPlanedAllRoundSoftwood | 387 | UK Timber Sections: Planed all Round Softwood |
UkTimberSectionsRegularisedSoftwood | 388 | UK Timber Sections: Regularised Softwood |
UkTimberSectionsSawnHardwood | 389 | UK Timber Sections: Sawn Hardwood |
UkTimberSectionsSawnSoftwood | 390 | UK Timber Sections: Sawn Softwood |
UkTimberSectionsSurfacedHardwood | 391 | UK Timber Sections: Surfaced Hardwood |
UkTimberSectionsSurfacedSoftwood | 392 | UK Timber Sections: Surfaced Softwood |
UsColdRolledSectionsUsS33Ksi | 393 | US Cold Rolled Sections (US): S (33 ksi) |
UsColdRolledSectionsUsS50Ksi | 394 | US Cold Rolled Sections (US): S (50 ksi) |
UsColdRolledSectionsUsT33Ksi | 395 | US Cold Rolled Sections (US): T (33 ksi) |
UsColdRolledSectionsUsT50Ksi | 396 | US Cold Rolled Sections (US): T (50 ksi) |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiDoubleRolledISections | 397 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Double Rolled I Sections |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiDoubleRolledISectionsWithPlates | 398 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Double Rolled I Sections with Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledAnglesInStarArrangement | 399 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Angles in Star Arrangement |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledChannelsBackToBack | 400 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Channels (back to back) |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledChannelsBackToBackWithPlates | 401 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Channels (back to back) with Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledChannelsToeToToe | 402 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Channels (toe to toe) |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledChannelsToeToToeWithHorizontalPlates | 403 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Horizontal Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledChannelsToeToToeWithVerticalPlates | 404 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Vertical Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledISectionsWithBottomPlate | 405 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled I Sections with Bottom Plate |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledISectionsWithPlates | 406 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled I Sections with Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledISectionsWithTopPlate | 407 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled I Sections with Top Plate |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledSteelJoistsInStarArrangement | 408 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Steel Joists in Star Arrangement |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledSteelJoistsWithPlates | 409 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Steel Joists with Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsSiRolledSteelJoistsWithPlatesInStarArrangement | 410 | US Compound Steel Sections (SI): Rolled Steel Joists with Plates in Star Arrangement |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsDoubleRolledISections | 411 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Double Rolled I Sections |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsDoubleRolledISectionsWithPlates | 412 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Double Rolled I Sections with Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledAnglesInStarArrangement | 413 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Angles in Star Arrangement |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledChannelsBackToBack | 414 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Channels (back to back) |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledChannelsBackToBackWithPlates | 415 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Channels (back to back) with Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledChannelsToeToToe | 416 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Channels (toe to toe) |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithHorizontalPlates | 417 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Horizontal Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledChannelsToeToToeWithVerticalPlates | 418 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Channels (toe to toe) with Vertical Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledISectionsWithBottomPlate | 419 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled I Sections with Bottom Plate |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledISectionsWithPlates | 420 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled I Sections with Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledISectionsWithTopPlate | 421 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled I Sections with Top Plate |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledSteelJoistsInStarArrangement | 422 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Steel Joists in Star Arrangement |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlates | 423 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Steel Joists with Plates |
UsCompoundSteelSectionsUsRolledSteelJoistsWithPlatesInStarArrangement | 424 | US Compound Steel Sections (US): Rolled Steel Joists with Plates in Star Arrangement |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiMicrollamLvl20E | 425 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): Microllam LVL 2.0E |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiParallamPsl18E | 426 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): Parallam PSL 1.8E |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiParallamPsl20E | 427 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): Parallam PSL 2.0E |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiTimberStrandLsl13E | 428 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): TimberStrand LSL 1.3E |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiTimberStrandLsl155E | 429 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): TimberStrand LSL 1.55E |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiWestFraserLvl17E | 430 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): West Fraser LVL 1.7E |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiWestFraserLvl18E | 431 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): West Fraser LVL 1.8E |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiWestFraserLvl19E | 432 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): West Fraser LVL 1.9E |
UsSclTimberSectionsSiWestFraserLvl20E | 433 | US SCL Timber Sections (SI): West Fraser LVL 2.0E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsMicrollamLvl20E | 434 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): Microllam LVL 2.0E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsParallamPsl18E | 435 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): Parallam PSL 1.8E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsParallamPsl20E | 436 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): Parallam PSL 2.0E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsTimberStrandLsl13E | 437 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): TimberStrand LSL 1.3E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsTimberStrandLsl155E | 438 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): TimberStrand LSL 1.55E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsWestFraserLvl17E | 439 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): West Fraser LVL 1.7E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsWestFraserLvl18E | 440 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): West Fraser LVL 1.8E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsWestFraserLvl19E | 441 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): West Fraser LVL 1.9E |
UsSclTimberSectionsUsWestFraserLvl20E | 442 | US SCL Timber Sections (US): West Fraser LVL 2.0E |
UsSteelSectionsSiAngles | 443 | US Steel Sections (SI): Angles |
UsSteelSectionsSiBars | 444 | US Steel Sections (SI): Bars |
UsSteelSectionsSiChannels | 445 | US Steel Sections (SI): Channels |
UsSteelSectionsSiDoubleAnglesEqual | 446 | US Steel Sections (SI): Double Angles (Equal) |
UsSteelSectionsSiDoubleAnglesLongLegBackToBack | 447 | US Steel Sections (SI): Double Angles (Long leg back to back) |
UsSteelSectionsSiDoubleAnglesShortLegBackToBack | 448 | US Steel Sections (SI): Double Angles (Short leg back to back) |
UsSteelSectionsSiFlats | 449 | US Steel Sections (SI): Flats |
UsSteelSectionsSiHp | 450 | US Steel Sections (SI): HP |
UsSteelSectionsSiMiscChannels | 451 | US Steel Sections (SI): Misc Channels |
UsSteelSectionsSiPipes | 452 | US Steel Sections (SI): Pipes |
UsSteelSectionsSiPlatedBeams | 453 | US Steel Sections (SI): Plated Beams |
UsSteelSectionsSiPlatedColumns | 454 | US Steel Sections (SI): Plated Columns |
UsSteelSectionsSiRectangularHss | 455 | US Steel Sections (SI): Rectangular HSS |
UsSteelSectionsSiRods | 456 | US Steel Sections (SI): Rods |
UsSteelSectionsSiRoundHss | 457 | US Steel Sections (SI): Round HSS |
UsSteelSectionsSiS | 458 | US Steel Sections (SI): S |
UsSteelSectionsSiSquareHss | 459 | US Steel Sections (SI): Square HSS |
UsSteelSectionsSiWtMtSt | 460 | US Steel Sections (SI): WT, MT \& ST |
UsSteelSectionsSiWAndM | 461 | US Steel Sections (SI): W \& M |
UsSteelSectionsSiWestokCellularBeams | 462 | US Steel Sections (SI): Westok Cellular Beams |
UsSteelSectionsUsAngles | 463 | US Steel Sections (US): Angles |
UsSteelSectionsUsBars | 464 | US Steel Sections (US): Bars |
UsSteelSectionsUsChannels | 465 | US Steel Sections (US): Channels |
UsSteelSectionsUsDoubleAnglesEqual | 466 | US Steel Sections (US): Double Angles (Equal) |
UsSteelSectionsUsDoubleAnglesLongLegBackToBack | 467 | US Steel Sections (US): Double Angles (Long leg back to back) |
UsSteelSectionsUsDoubleAnglesShortLegBackToBack | 468 | US Steel Sections (US): Double Angles (Short leg back to back) |
UsSteelSectionsUsFlats | 469 | US Steel Sections (US): Flats |
UsSteelSectionsUsHp | 470 | US Steel Sections (US): HP |
UsSteelSectionsUsMiscChannels | 471 | US Steel Sections (US): Misc Channels |
UsSteelSectionsUsPipes | 472 | US Steel Sections (US): Pipes |
UsSteelSectionsUsPlatedBeams | 473 | US Steel Sections (US): Plated Beams |
UsSteelSectionsUsPlatedColumns | 474 | US Steel Sections (US): Plated Columns |
UsSteelSectionsUsRectangularHss | 475 | US Steel Sections (US): Rectangular HSS |
UsSteelSectionsUsRectangularHssA1085 | 476 | US Steel Sections (US): Rectangular HSS A1085 |
UsSteelSectionsUsRods | 477 | US Steel Sections (US): Rods |
UsSteelSectionsUsRoundHss | 478 | US Steel Sections (US): Round HSS |
UsSteelSectionsUsRoundHssA1085 | 479 | US Steel Sections (US): Round HSS A1085 |
UsSteelSectionsUsS | 480 | US Steel Sections (US): S |
UsSteelSectionsUsSquareHss | 481 | US Steel Sections (US): Square HSS |
UsSteelSectionsUsSquareHssA1085 | 482 | US Steel Sections (US): Square HSS A1085 |
UsSteelSectionsUsWtMtSt | 483 | US Steel Sections (US): WT, MT \& ST |
UsSteelSectionsUsWAndM | 484 | US Steel Sections (US): W \& M |
UsSteelSectionsUsWestokCellularBeams | 485 | US Steel Sections (US): Westok Cellular Beams |
UsTimberSectionsSiSouthernPineGluedLaminatedTimber | 486 | US Timber Sections (SI): Southern Pine Glued Laminated Timber |
UsTimberSectionsSiStandardDressedSawnLumber | 487 | US Timber Sections (SI): Standard Dressed Sawn Lumber |
UsTimberSectionsSiWesternSpeciesGluedLaminatedTimber | 488 | US Timber Sections (SI): Western Species Glued Laminated Timber |
UsTimberSectionsUsSouthernPineGluedLaminatedTimber | 489 | US Timber Sections (US): Southern Pine Glued Laminated Timber |
UsTimberSectionsUsStandardDressedSawnLumber | 490 | US Timber Sections (US): Standard Dressed Sawn Lumber |
UsTimberSectionsUsWesternSpeciesGluedLaminatedTimber | 491 | US Timber Sections (US): Western Species Glued Laminated Timber |
WorldwideCompoundSteelSectionsSiBoxWithPlates | 492 | Worldwide Compound Steel Sections (SI): Box with Plates |
WorldwideCompoundSteelSectionsSiPlatedISectionsWithPlates | 493 | Worldwide Compound Steel Sections (SI): Plated I Sections with Plates |
WorldwideCompoundSteelSectionsSiStarSectionsWithPlates | 494 | Worldwide Compound Steel Sections (SI): Star Sections with Plates |
WorldwideCompoundSteelSectionsSiWeldedSectionsWithPlates | 495 | Worldwide Compound Steel Sections (SI): Welded Sections with Plates |
WorldwideCompoundSteelSectionsUsBoxWithPlates | 496 | Worldwide Compound Steel Sections (US): Box with Plates |
WorldwideCompoundSteelSectionsUsPlatedISectionsWithPlates | 497 | Worldwide Compound Steel Sections (US): Plated I Sections with Plates |
WorldwideCompoundSteelSectionsUsStarSectionsWithPlates | 498 | Worldwide Compound Steel Sections (US): Star Sections with Plates |
WorldwideCompoundSteelSectionsUsWeldedSectionsWithPlates | 499 | Worldwide Compound Steel Sections (US): Welded Sections with Plates |
See Also