IValidationData Interface

Represents validation data - contains errors found during model validation, analysis, or design.

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Structure.Validation
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface IValidationData

The IValidationData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnalysisGeneralValidationErrors Gets validation errors related to analysis (common for all analysis methods)
Public propertyCanRunDesignValidation Gets a value indicating whether the design part of the validation can be performed
Public propertyDesignValidationErrors Gets validation errors related to design
Public propertyDesignValidationPerformed Gets a value indicating whether design validation has been performed since the last model change
Public propertyModelValidationErrors Gets validation errors related to model
Public propertyOverallStatus Gets the overall status of the validation
Public propertyPreAnalysisValidationErrors Gets validation errors related to pre-analysis
Public propertyValidationPerformed Gets a value indicating whether any validation has been performed since the last model change
Public methodGetAnalysisValidationErrorsAsync Gets validation errors related to specific AnalysisType
See Also
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