IUserDefinedConcrete Interface

Represents a user-defined concrete material

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Materials
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface IUserDefinedConcrete : IUserDefinedMaterial

The IUserDefinedConcrete type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseElasticModulus Gets the base elastic modulus (excluding any adjustments), E_{db} (in [N/mm²])
Public propertyConcreteType Gets the concrete type
Public propertyCubeStrength Gets the characteristic cube strength, fcu (in [N/mm²])
Public propertyCylinderStrength Gets the characteristic cylinder strength, fck (in [N/mm²])
Public propertyDryDensity Gets the dry density of the concrete (in [kg/mm³])
Public propertyHeadCode Gets the head code the material applies to
(Inherited from IUserDefinedMaterial)
Public propertyName Gets the name of the material
(Inherited from IUserDefinedMaterial)
Public propertyPartialSafetyFactor Gets the partial safety factor (EC2 only), gamma_c
Public propertyPoissonsRatio Gets the Poisson's ratio (unitless)
(Inherited from IUserDefinedMaterial)
Public propertyShearModulus Gets the shear modulus (in [N/mm²])
(Inherited from IUserDefinedMaterial)
Public propertyThermalExpansionCoefficient Gets the coefficient of thermal expansion (in [1/K])
(Inherited from IUserDefinedMaterial)
Public propertyType Gets the type of the material
(Inherited from IUserDefinedMaterial)
Public propertyWetDensity Gets the wet density of the concrete (in [kg/mm³])
See Also
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