ISlab |
Represents slab reinforcement
Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Reinforcement
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
The ISlabReinforcement type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AreaPerLength | Gets the area per unit length of the reinforcement (in [mm²/mm]) | |
BarDistance | Gets the distance between individual bars (in [mm]) | |
BarDistanceInside | Gets the distance between individual bars in the inside layer (in [mm]) | |
BarDistanceOutside | Gets the distance between individual bars in the outside layer (in [mm]) | |
GeometryInside | Gets the reinforcement geometry of the inner layer | |
GeometryOutside | Gets the reinforcement geometry of the outer layer | |
HasBarSpacingByHollowCores | Gets a value indicating whether the bar spacing is determined by spacing of hollow cores | |
HasMainBarsInInnerLayer | Gets a value indicating whether the main mesh bars are located in the inner layer | |
HasMainMeshInXDirection | Gets a value indicating whether the main mesh is in X direction | |
HasOutsideLayerInXDirection | Gets a value indicating whether the outside layer is in X direction | |
HasReinforcementIn2Layers | Gets a value indicating whether the reinforcement is set in two layers ('inside' and 'outside') | |
HollowCoresBetweenBarsCount | Gets the number of hollow cores between bars | |
ReinforcementType | Gets the type of reinforcement | |
SizeInside | Gets the reinforcement size in the inside layer | |
SizeOutside | Gets the reinforcement size in the outside layer | |
Strength | Gets the reinforcement strength (in [N/mm²]) |
See Also