IConcrete |
Represents parameters required to create a concrete column
Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Structure.Create
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
The IConcreteColumnAttributeSet type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Alignment | Gets the span alignment | |
AutoAlign | Gets a value indicating whether automatic alignment will be applied when the member is created in the model | |
AutoDesign | Gets a value indicating whether the member is in auto-design mode | |
AutoDesignOption | Gets the auto-design option | |
ConcreteDensityClass | Gets the concrete density class | |
ConcreteType | Gets the concrete type | |
Construction | Gets the member construction | |
ElementSection |
Gets the element section
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase) | |
EndReleases |
Gets the end span releases
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase) | |
Fabrication | Gets the member fabrication | |
GravityOnly | Gets a value indicating the column is designed for gravity combinations only | |
Id |
Gets the ID of this set
(Inherited from IAttributeSet) | |
Material |
Gets the material
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase) | |
MaterialType | Gets the material type | |
MemberType | Gets the member type | |
NominalCoverBeamTopEdge | Gets the nominal cover on top edge (in [mm]) | |
RotationAngle |
Gets the rotation angle (in [rad])
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase) | |
RotationOption |
Gets the rotation option
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase) | |
StartReleases |
Gets the start span releases
(Inherited from IMemberAttributeSetBase) | |
UseSlabForStiffnessCalculationEndMajor | Gets a value indicating whether the slab should be used for the stiffness calculation at end node in major direction | |
UseSlabForStiffnessCalculationEndMinor | Gets a value indicating whether the slab should be used for the stiffness calculation at end node in minor direction | |
UseSlabForStiffnessCalculationStartMajor | Gets a value indicating whether the slab should be used for the stiffness calculation at start node in major direction | |
UseSlabForStiffnessCalculationStartMinor | Gets a value indicating whether the slab should be used for the stiffness calculation at start node in minor direction |
Name | Description | |
GetUserDefinedAttributesAsync |
Returns a collection of IUserDefinedAttribute instances
(Inherited from IHaveUserDefinedAttributes) | |
SetUserDefinedAttributeAsync |
Sets an user defined text attribute
(Inherited from IHaveUserDefinedAttributes) | |
SetUserDefinedAttributesAsync |
Sets user defined attributes
(Inherited from IHaveUserDefinedAttributes) | |
SetUserDefinedEmbeddedFileAttributeAsync |
Sets an user defined embedded file attribute
(Inherited from IHaveUserDefinedAttributes) | |
UpdateAsync |
Updates this object
(Inherited from ICanBeUpdated) |
See Also