fsresSavedRemnant Properties

The fsresSavedRemnant type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArea
The area of the remnant if it's a plate.
Public propertyDimensions
Dimensions of remnant.
Public propertyExternalRemnantID
External RemnantID sent in for this remnant.
Public propertyFabSuiteRemnantID
FabSuite RemnantID assigned to this remnant.
Public propertyGrade
Grade of material.
Public propertyLength
The length of the material.
Public propertyNestID
FabSuite RemnantID assigned to this remnant.
Public propertyQuantity
Quantity of remnant, actually saved to database
Public propertyShape
Shape of Remnant as sent in request
Public propertyShapeDimensions
as sent in request
Public propertyType
The type of remnant created. As sent in request
Public propertyWeight
The weight of the remnant.
Public propertyWidth
The width of the material when it's a plate.
See Also
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